Example sentences of "have [be] made at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here and there an effort has been made at renovation , but always in deplorable taste , ‘ Georgian ’ bay windows or Scandinavian-style pine porches clapped on to the Victorian and Edwardian facades .
2 Once the court papers have been served on the debtor and an enquiry has been made at court regarding the debtor 's intentions , the result of those enquiries is input to the computer and the appropriate papers for obtaining Decree are produced .
3 A prime example of waste minimisation leading to significant savings — both of cash and materials — has been made at Wilton 's Chlor-Chemicals plant .
4 A large sports centre has been made at Aviemore , mainly for winter skiing but also for the use of summer tourists .
5 A promising start has been made at Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore .
6 Nylon thread has been made at Pontypool , and many smaller light industries have started on new trading estates , particularly at Hirwaun near Aberdare and Treforest near Pontypridd .
7 Black Fury could only have been made at Warner Bros , a studio which had firmly aligned with Roosevelt and the New Deal and which quite clearly believed that there was a market for films which dealt with topical issues and in particular with matters of social justice .
8 The composition of the Leo X tiles does not compare with any of these , including those from the postulated source at Genoa , but they are almost identical to the composition of contemporary tiles definitely known to have been made at Seville , such as the example in Figure 6.3b .
9 He told his wife ( and himself ) that he was going to meet Adam in order to break the news gently to him that these awful discoveries had been made at Wyvis Hall and that foul play might have taken place while he , Adam , was actually its owner .
10 This was found impossible , and the ship was worked back to London by the plaintiff and eight more of the original crew , with whom the agreement had been made at Cronstadt .
11 Forays had been made at night ; scaffolding had been torn down and a few workers employed in building Carewscourt had been killed .
12 However , Mr Lewis 's engagingly informal manner , and his statement at dinner that the United States ‘ would always stand on the side of justice and did n't mind admitting mistakes had been made at Versailles ’ seemed to do much to win the confidence of his lordship 's ‘ home team' ; as dinner progressed , the conversation had slowly but surely turned from topics such as the merits of Mr Lewis 's native Pennsylvania back to the conference ahead , and by the time the gentlemen were lighting their cigars , some of the speculations being offered appeared to be as intimate as those exchanged prior to Mr Lewis 's arrival .
13 I was being taken somewhere by car and a stop had been made at Kelvin 's petrol pumps opposite .
14 An attempt had been made at strangulation .
15 Despite a very depressed North Sea market the disposals have been made at prices which compare favourably with those achieved for recent industry sales .
16 ( Errors in calculation have been made at times , but discovered only when the water began to flow and it was found that the levada went uphill . )
17 The hey-day of sport in our village seems to have been from the late 19th century up to the 1914 war , with a short revival between the wars but although attempts have been made at intervals the same enthusiasm does n't seem to prevail .
18 Compulsory redundancies have been made at packaging firm Marchant Manufacturing Co Ltd in Piperell Way , Haverhill — at a time when 10.6 per cent of the town 's workers are jobless .
19 The new archaeological discoveries , including artifacts , bones , charcoal and hearths , have been made at Deena Reena cave .
20 The poor second half performance , however , masks the changes that have been made at Lincat , which is now placed to deliver more acceptable returns .
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