Example sentences of "have [be] at [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is certainly not true of Arab public opinion which has long ago accepted the ‘ linkage ’ that Washington has been at such pains to discount .
2 The exercise of these duties has been at all times , and remains , subject to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
3 At the same time the council in England believed that the king 's familiares were exercising undue influence over him : the unity which Edward had been at such pains to build up in 1337 was on the point of fracturing .
4 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
5 He had been at such pains .
6 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
7 They have been at each others ' throats .
8 They have been at each others ' throats .
9 They have been at each others ' throats .
10 I have been at those dinners where the merits of our contemporaries are discussed , and where Du Camp , as each new name was suggested , would with infinite urbanity correct the general view .
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