Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] over for " in BNC.

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1 10–17 Jesus violates the taboo against healing on the sabbath by healing a woman who has been bent over for many years , justifying this on the grounds that it is even more urgent to help a fellow human being , a woman , than to rescue an animal that has fallen into a ditch ( an exception allowed under the law ) .
2 Although this has been argued over for fifty years , the size of this ancient catastrophe now seems incontrovertible .
3 However you organise your checking routine , it is crucial to present written work which has been checked over for spelling .
4 In the open intellectual milieu where Catholic exegetes and theologians now move among colleagues of other traditions of faith or of none , the traditional term ‘ hermeneutics ’ ( the art and the principles of interpretation ) has been taken over for a mode of philosophical discussion so technical that its products are usually baffling even to a well-educated reader .
5 It proved to be a surprisingly accurate account of what in the event did happen , and is outlined here to illustrate the way in which , in one corner of Oxfordshire , changes which had been argued over for a decade could be effected in a relatively short time .
6 Having changed from sweat-sodden clothes , I found that , as the hotel had been taken over for the evening by a wedding party , I and an English couple had a dining-room to ourselves .
7 However , Frogmarsh Mill 's long involvement in the cloth trade was drawing to a close , for by 1863 it had been taken over for the manufacture of pins by the firm of Perkins , Critchley and Marmont .
8 There was an army display on for one day only , Mrs Blakey had said at breakfast : the car-park behind the fish-packing station had been taken over for it .
9 The rebel officers had been passed over for promotion as General Noriega strengthened his control of the military 's two key policy-making bodies , the General Staff and the Strategic Military Council .
10 I raised with David Ingram at my JAR a matter which I 've been mulling over for a while , arising from my role as Welfare Officer .
11 I ca n't of course foretell er what 's gon na happen in Eastern Europe , but looking externally er at the lower interest rates and the er more competitive value of the pound and internally at the improved cash flow and the actions that we 've been taking over for the past couple of years and I can say that there 's now generally a more optimistic feeling in the air amongst our group companies .
12 To most people the term Gatt means very little but the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which 108 countries have been wrestling over for the past six years is vital to fair trading throughout the world .
13 The equality of opportunity and equal pay for work of equal value and all those things are are are are issues which er have been fought over for the last twenty years .
14 ‘ You have been thrown over for another woman , that 's what I think .
15 Stone and marble fixtures weighing 400 tonnes from a garden in Boston have been shipped over for this sale .
16 Medicine and money from the public health budget are being unofficially transferred to the military health services and at least five regional hospitals and a number of smaller health centres have been taken over for use by the military .
17 Parts of it have been taken over for a secondary motor road , but much of it remains remote and quiet , rarely disturbed by a human voice .
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