Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 The 1984 Grand Slam coach has been co-opted into the SRU committee to help to bring through new coaches for the future .
2 The other former college of education that was located in Bangor , St Mary 's College of Education , a church college , has been merged into the University College of North Wales .
3 The clipboard copy of the trees has been pasted into a Cel in the Cel Editor .
4 For the first time , a mentally handicapped child has been built into a programme about normal people living in normal lives , rather than made the subject of a sensational film or documentary .
5 This is an old place , indeed a Roman place , as is known from an inscription which has been built into a chapel on top of the highest of the surrounding hills , and which is dedicated to a local Romano-Iberic divinity of the name of Herauscorritsehe , which can not have tripped too easily from the pious tongue .
6 The refrigerator has been built into the peninsula unit and has a three-star , deep-freeze section , defrosts automatically and uses up very little energy .
7 Safety has been built into the design in the form of a clever three-way switching system .
8 If , on the contrary , there is a rigid internal separation between the roles of setting standards and meeting standards then conflict has been built into the system ( Klein , 1979 ) .
9 Thirdly , I shall look at the understanding of the ‘ feminine ’ which has been built into the tradition .
10 As soon as one person 's work has been built into the computer , it stays there and goes on working for as long as needed .
11 But even when no contrast has been injected into the gland , pancreatitis may occasionally occur , perhaps as a consequence of manipulation of the ampulla .
12 Agribusiness , which has been moving into the luxury end of the market , with the growth of carnations in Colombia and strawberries in Mexico for sale in the United States , has contributed to the high level of exports .
13 Made up of four 30-minute scenes , in each of which the same people say and do the same things in the same setting , Roll On Friday , it is no surprise to learn , has been developed into a five-year television series in New Zealand and Australia .
14 Kielder Water , the largest man-made reservoir in Europe , surrounded by the largest man-made forest in Europe , was opened by HM The Queen in June 1982 , and has been developed into a major water-sports centre .
15 Now the estate is in the hands of Dr Douglas Wise and Coldingham Loch has been developed into a very attractive fishery .
16 ‘ However , with the help of considerable capital funding from the ITI , and through a joint venture approach with Sutton Borough Council , who provided capital , land and an annual subsidy , the original concept has been developed into a working model aimed at serving as an example for other local authorities to consider . ’
17 It 's great to see how the prototype has been developed into a commercially viable design .
18 More detail is given for the first part on document preparation systems as this has been developed into the HyperCard system described below .
19 Lateral and medial stabilisers are incorporated on to the outsole to prevent rollover while the design features a flex notch , which has been cut into the outsole to counter any restriction of movement .
20 For this was Novgorod , ancient , wooden , like the bole of an immense tree that has been carved into the likeness of a city , Novgorod the Great , a gilded fortress of the Romanov Empire .
21 The board has been manoeuvred into the broad reaching position by pushing and pulling on the rig and we are now about to start .
22 Since then much research has been done into the basic biology of badgers as well as the epidemiology of TB in badgers and cattle .
23 Little research has been done into the problems generated by quota sampling since studies over thirty years ago pointed up some major problems ( Moser and Stuart 1953 ; Stephan and McCarthy 1958 ) .
24 The virtue of celibacy has been extended into the vowed life of monasticism and the single priesthood .
25 The system was originally introduced for size determination of fine particles ( Sheldon & parsons , 1967 ) but has been extended into the sand range ( McCave & Jarvis , 1973 ) .
26 This approach has been extended into the ‘ tick rate hypothesis ’ ( Humphreys & Revelle , 1984 ; Revelle , 1989 ) which considers the rate of information sampling to be the important underlying factor .
27 The UK subsidiary has been eating into the parent company 's profits due to start up costs for its paging and mobile communications operations .
28 Platt , scorer of his country 's last five goals , has been shackled into a more defensive role since his £6.5 million move from Bari to Juventus in the summer .
29 Policing issues are never long out of the headlines ( Chibnall 1977 ) , and this media obsession has been transmitted into a wealth of analyses of policing — which have mostly been carried out by outside observers .
30 when it was envisaged as a form of national salvation ? it was conceived in compassion but has been born and bred in authoritarianism , profligacy and frustration , it aimed to liberate people from the slums but has come to represent an even worse form of bondage , it aspired to beautify the urban environment , but has been transmogrified into the epitome of ugliness .
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