Example sentences of "have [be] [noun] of a " in BNC.

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1 We are in the early stages of developing a day-case surgery/five-day ward and would be very interested to hear from anyone who has been part of a similar project .
2 For Brazil , which had been the US 's chief Latin American ally among surrounding neutrals in World War II , the decline of the bipolar alliance system has been part of a long , slow process of growing mutual disenchantment .
3 The broadening of aims and objectives has not been a sudden panic measure to the market forces of the 1990s but has been part of a professional and careful reassessment which has been in progress since at least the late 1960s .
4 the impact of the Channel Tunnel on Wales has been subject of a recent House of Commons inquiry at which the Welsh Counties Committee argued that considerable benefits could accrue to the Principality if improved transport links with the Tunnel are provided .
5 There has been talk of a commitment to do away with slopping out by 1994 .
6 I mean , schools the only thing I was , I 'd been governor of a a school for thirty years that was used to depress me with the fact that we could n't get for our schools the things that we needed because to me and to all the people in Harlow who have children are concerned that we are being stopped so much money on education which is the most vital thing in our children 's lives !
7 If she could have been part of a warm , loving family , it was what she would have liked most of all .
8 Excavations carried out recently on behalf of the Cheltenham Museum have revealed structures from the first to the fourth centuries , an irregular street pattern and a ditch with fourth-century coins in the lower filling which may have been part of a defence system .
9 The clear association of religious cults with the buildings at Chedworth can be much strengthened by the existence of other structures in the vicinity which would probably have been part of a large establishment .
10 Among the objects in Devizes Museum is an un-inscribed stone altar , a full-size silver eye from a bronze head of a cult statue and a length of iron rod sheathed in bronze , which may have been part of a sceptre .
11 It is unclear whether the ensemble is complete or what purpose the pieces served , although it seems plausible that the treasure could have been part of a decoration for a large container or a large doorway .
12 if it existed , would also have been a causal circumstance for c , and , we might add , would not have been part of a causal sequence including cc .
13 In the morning she wondered if her inspection of the villa 's water-works might not have been part of a dream and looked carefully to confirm that the letter to Signora Kettering was still in her handbag .
14 This must have been part of a Roman cemetery as again in 1926 near this spot workmen digging on the edge of Lee 's Great Quarry ( Houlder Quarry ) , 20 yards from Clements Farm found a quantity of human bones and pottery .
15 The classes would have been part of a £1 million image building programme .
16 Jackals and martens could hardly have lifted the latch and , even if they had found their way in , there would have been signs of a scuffle : dead chickens , scattered feathers .
17 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
18 What d' you think , Dolly , might it have been details of a plan to rob the Bank of England ? ’
19 Sometimes it doesn especially if it 's just one thing outside there , like it might have been sort of a a three X or
20 Of recent British policy , Dulles privately remarked on 6 May 1957 : " It seems to us to have been characteristic of a nation which , realizing that it was weak , felt it had to act as though it was strong " .
21 The charcoal sketch , measuring 25.7×19.3 cm , is thought to have been part of a Leonardo sketchbook owned by George IV .
22 If this does occur , then the Act will be seen to have been part of a ‘ softening-up ’ exercise , creating the conditions within which abolition of the right is capable of being presented as an inevitable rationalization , without actually tackling it directly .
23 The three were alleged to have been part of a 30-strong gang which rampaged through the park on April 19 , 1989 , making a series of unprovoked attacks which culminated in the gang-rape of the jogger who was left unconscious with severe head injuries .
24 The order , written under the direction of White House counsel Boyden Gray , was to have been part of a " signing statement " attached to the bill .
25 This gave the Serbs control of most of a corridor across northern Bosnia linking Serbia proper with the Republic of Serbian Krajina ( RSK — the Serb areas in Croatia ) and was rumoured to have been part of a deal with Croatia in exchange for the army 's withdrawal from Prevlaka [ see above ] .
26 The payment made to Olaf Tryggvason in 994 , for example , seems to have been part of a deal in which Olaf agreed to be confirmed ( with Æthelred standing sponsor ) , and promised that he would never return to England .
27 At first they were thought to have been victims of a crossbow bolt .
28 The liberals were equally determined to use their parliamentary power to prevent reaction : in masonic circles there seems even to have been talk of a republican dictatorship .
29 On all sides , both in the government service directly and in its associated echelons of closed institutions , corporations , committees , and ‘ quangos ’ , there had been evidence of a loss of national confidence .
30 Another German atrocity was the execution by firing squad , in 1915 , of Nurse Edith Cavell , who had been matron of a Belgian Hospital in Brussells since 1907 , and had stayed on duty despite the German invasion of that country , and who had been accused by the Germans , of assisting British , French and Belgian soldiers to escape captivity .
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