Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 For some years , therefore , he has only read The Times .
2 Babur rings Keith and tells Keith he is the only one who has not arranged the time off yet .
3 Dave is a dog lover but because of his army routine and duties , he has not had the time or lifestyle to be able to keep a dog .
4 Another , closely related , hypothesis is that at the end of each day we have in our unconscious a sort of ragbag of bits and pieces of experience which our conscious mind has not had the time , opportunity or inclination to process ; once again , the function of the dream is to deal with this material .
5 Between transatlantic flights and coping with paternity , he has somehow found the time to make another series of The Thing is … for Channel Four .
6 Anne is terribly on my side , she , still has n't rained every time I see her !
7 He says he has n't got the time to spend — they 'll need evenings and evenings , far more than once a week .
8 Charlton 's has n't got the time or inclination to wonder what Billy Bingham is thinking about in the run-up to Wednesday 's big game .
9 you know , so I 'm , I mean I , I , you know , I know that , and I know he has n't got the time so
10 Well that 's it , it 's like my husband I mean he 's working , he has n't got the time and I
11 The committee says that UK Nirex , the nuclear waste disposal company , has consistently underestimated the time it will take to prepare and build a repository .
12 Betty Anderson , has never forgotten the time she spent at Westonbirt .
13 He 'd never known a time when Klein did n't need money for some gambit or other , and that meant he needed painters .
14 She and Mungo had already passed the time of day with him .
15 They had not reached the time for sharing out .
16 If he met anyone he could say , with perfect truthfulness , that he had been absorbed in correcting students ' essays and had not realised the time until it was after five o'clock ?
17 They had not taken the time to find out that it was actually the women who traditionally grew the rice for domestic consumption and then exchanged the surplus for other goods or services .
18 ‘ Louise , dear , I 've just noticed the time .
19 Linda had always passed the time of day with her when Doris had been able to get out and about , but now the old woman was con fined to her house with arthritis .
20 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
21 Common sense should have told her that he had n't had the time , even if he 'd had the inclination , to arrange that visit from those two men .
22 As sprinter Mike MacFarlane said of his parents ' total lack of encouragement : ‘ It was 'cause they had n't got the time to think about it . ’
23 Our housework was hard and long and laborious and erm we 'd got two children to look after and then I 'd got my brother who did n't leave home until he was thirty and er , you had n't got the time , you know , to do too many things , so er my interest was the young wives ' and it was really a as regards the erm the Guild itself , I was thrown in at the deep end when this lady who was with my mother , mother was treasurer , she was secretary , erm she used to come down for me and , I know you should n't canvass but she used to canvass and say erm you know the voting , you know , will you , will you come and vote ?
24 ‘ She had n't got the time !
25 You 've then got the time to look at your report , decide whether it 's suitable , perhaps have another chat with your adviser , and then at that stage you 're ready to go ahead .
26 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
27 They had barely exchanged the time of day before she was back with a trolley laden with plates of charcuterie and cheese , a basket of bread and a bowl of salad .
28 Paula Wilson , regional publicity officer for the RSPCA , said : ‘ We 've never known a time like it in years , people are ringing us every day asking to take animals off their hands , they just ca n't afford to keep them . ’
29 Now Paul this is what I 've found out since you see , Paul erm said to them , Why suddenly this ? and he says , Oh we 've actually had them printed for the last two years but we 've never had the time to give them out .
30 Or maybe they 've never had the time before .
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