Example sentences of "have [adv] be for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jaromil has discovered that writing can be what reading has familiarly been for the ordinary person : an escape , a shelter , a door to the alternative self .
2 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
3 My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better .
4 She has n't been for a long time .
5 ‘ He 's not married , has n't been for a long time .
6 Has n't been for a few years .
7 And I think her husband will probably die before she will but erm he cos he 's older than she is even , but erm and he 's not very well , has n't been for a long time .
8 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
9 His damp hair was slicked back as if he 'd recently been for a swim or taken a shower .
10 She had consulted an astrologer once before , even if it had only been for a lark , so why not consult another one now ?
11 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
12 If it had not been for a visitor arriving then and her being obliged to leave instantly she had no doubt they would have waded into deeper waters and she knew she would not have been sorry .
13 She would have recovered some of her old high spirits if it had not been for a bout of measles and turning more and more to alcohol .
14 They should remember that it would all have ended seven matches earlier if it had not been for an 88th-minute equaliser against Bashley on September 16 .
15 If it had not been for an alliance of Dr Newman , consultant ecologist Doug Cross and Walter Roberts — three local residents who formed the Camelford Scientific Advisory Panel and conducted their own investigations — and for John Lewis , who lost his job , it is doubtful whether very much would ever have come out about the incident .
16 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
17 In 1959 Rank claimed that ‘ Britain would now have a healthy industry and a very successful market ’ if it had not been for the insensitivity of the Department of Trade .
18 If it had not been for the extraordinary resilience of Hitler 's Wehrmacht and the fortitude of the German people , it would have done so .
19 Perhaps if it had not been for the Shakoor Rana affair the TCCB might have handled this quietly and sensibly by issuing a non-committal statement and letting the fuss die down .
20 We agreed to have him for a fortnight but when the time came he refused to go , and would be with us yet if it had not been for the First World War and your father having to go …
21 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
22 If it had not been for the shamelessness of it , Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage .
23 ‘ If it had not been for the difficulties and bruises caused by the recession , I have no doubt there would be an increased majority for the Conservative Party , ’ he said .
24 Many of the greatest treasures in National Trust houses would have been sold abroad long ago if it had not been for the ‘ in lieu ’ system , which was established in 1956 and which enabled private owners to give works of art to the nation in lieu of capital taxes .
25 ‘ For my part I believe the African Jesus would have won if it had not been for the Dark Host .
26 Coming after five years of war , when for the first time there did seem to be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel , these new rockets were almost too much for our overstretched nerves , although the situation would no doubt have been very much worse if it had not been for the times when both the RAF and the American Air Force had been out bombing Peenemunde and the other rocket sites .
27 Price Waterhouse 's UK practice would have experienced a negative growth rate in fee income in the year to June 1992 , if it had not been for the firm 's corporate recovery arm .
28 Yet even though he got the chance to fight Mr Bush , he would not now be heading for the White House if it had not been for the disaster which hit the President a few days after that TV interview .
29 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
30 Seen from below , Lacuna 's long body would have looked comical as she ran back and forth , if it had not been for the grimace of rage that contorted her white face .
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