Example sentences of "have [adv] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Kallman has since been on another field trip to this area and is able to confirm the widespread range of this species throughout most of the small tributaries of the Rio Coatzacoalcos , and eastwards from Sarabia .
2 The prisoner 's dilemma — a game where two players have to decide whether to co-operate with each other or cheat — has long been of great interest to economists .
3 There has only been on eprevious report of the presence of epoxide hydrolase in normal colonic tissue .
4 What she has achieved is remarkable given she is still very young and has only been in this business a couple of years .
5 I have explained to the hon. Gentleman why the funding for the Housing Executive is not as easy this year as it has perhaps been in former years .
6 Applebey concluded that , whilst useful to lawyers , the pre-trial review in the county court civil action has not been of enormous assistance to the ordinary person trying to conduct his or her own case .
7 So far Probyn has not been to impressed with the results .
8 Bull has now failed to score for seven games but Turner said : ‘ There is not a striker in the country who has not been through that sort of spell . ’
9 If the client has not been through this process the search brief should be broadened to include this .
10 This has not been without considerable sacrifice and testing of faith .
11 This has not been at all easy .
12 Wilf Medlam 's labour of love has not been in vain .
13 ‘ When I tell you why I have asked you to come here , I think you may feel your journey has not been in vain , ’ he said , and his shoulders heaved , rising and falling with silent mirth .
14 Yawl has not been in perfect health this spring .
15 The impact has not been in one direction only : the political culture has served to shape political perceptions and actions , and hence to influence the nation 's political history .
16 All mechanical parts seem in very good order and the vehicle has not been in any accidents .
17 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
18 As everyone knows , the insurance industry 's recent experience of its very own crisis scenario has led to , if a particular line of cover has not been among those withdrawn because of poor claims records , dramatic increases in premiums .
19 For the most part this has largely been along formal or semi-formal lines , and even within these individual organisations a formalised structure almost invariably predominates at meetings .
20 At 26 he has already been at eight clubs , and if Howard Wilkinson could n't stop his itchy feet people will ask , what chance have we got ?
21 Besides , everyone who matters has already been to some sort of bash at the Natural History Museum ; this is new .
22 Appendix B. Right , Chris has already been through this part of it .
23 Somalia , they say , has anyway been without effective government over the past year .
24 There are currently 17 expeditions on Everest — the most there has ever been at one time .
25 In socialist France , it is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
26 In socialist France , unemployment is now higher than it has ever been in that country 's history .
27 ‘ Ask him , ’ I said , ‘ if Sheridan Lorrimore has ever been in any trouble that he knows of , apart from assaulting an actor at Toronto , that should have resulted in Sheridan going to jail . ’
28 First , safety expenditure under the Government and British Rail is higher than it has ever been in British Rail 's history — it has gone up from £140 million to £200 million .
29 No off-worlder has ever been inside any of them , but we are told that there are caverns , vaults within vaults , like those ancient puzzles where ever opened box reveals another , smaller box .
30 Subsequent Acts have tended to produce more detailed requirements , but the main thrust has always been for nationalized industries ' accounts to produce , as a minimum , the amount and kind of information that a PLC has to produce .
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