Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The prisoner 's dilemma — a game where two players have to decide whether to co-operate with each other or cheat — has long been of great interest to economists .
2 There has only been on eprevious report of the presence of epoxide hydrolase in normal colonic tissue .
3 Applebey concluded that , whilst useful to lawyers , the pre-trial review in the county court civil action has not been of enormous assistance to the ordinary person trying to conduct his or her own case .
4 So far Probyn has not been to impressed with the results .
5 This has not been without considerable sacrifice and testing of faith .
6 Wilf Medlam 's labour of love has not been in vain .
7 ‘ When I tell you why I have asked you to come here , I think you may feel your journey has not been in vain , ’ he said , and his shoulders heaved , rising and falling with silent mirth .
8 Yawl has not been in perfect health this spring .
9 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
10 For the most part this has largely been along formal or semi-formal lines , and even within these individual organisations a formalised structure almost invariably predominates at meetings .
11 Somalia , they say , has anyway been without effective government over the past year .
12 First , safety expenditure under the Government and British Rail is higher than it has ever been in British Rail 's history — it has gone up from £140 million to £200 million .
13 Subsequent Acts have tended to produce more detailed requirements , but the main thrust has always been for nationalized industries ' accounts to produce , as a minimum , the amount and kind of information that a PLC has to produce .
14 Who owns which bit of land and what they decide to do with it has always been of critical importance , and our landscape is the result of countless human decisions taken by individuals in the past .
15 The state of the weather has always been of great interest and almost every column has a full account .
16 Confidentiality for the client has always been of paramount importance within the CAB and is accepted by all workers as an essential part of their work .
17 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
18 The question of how to discipline children has always been of central importance to the whole enterprise of bringing them up .
19 The quality of his work has always been of exceptional high standard and featured in every major project in the company .
20 Much of the activity on the Tyne Tunnel Estate has always been in small warehousing and distribution depots but the two large manufacturing employers are Cape Insulation and Twinings Teas ( a subsidiary of Associated British Foods ) .
21 Although Maurice was not a Romanist nor an archaeologist — his interest has always been in medieval and later houses — he had set up a training school at Lincoln with Philip Corder as director .
22 However , money for adult education in general has always been in short supply — as the 1973 Russell Report pointed out , only just over 1 per cent of LEA expenditure was devoted to it — and art education is no exception to the general rule .
23 The kind of assistance that governments have offered has usually been through self-help schemes , the giving out of land titles to the inhabitants or offering loans .
24 As well as the waterway , Healings own a fleet of road tankers for grain transport , and the location of motorway junctions , built in the 1970s and 1980s near Tewkesbury , has also been of great advantage a far cry from the early years of the century , when deliveries were made by a 12 mph Foden lorry .
25 It was there that I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Stella Gawthrop , who has not only the distinction of being a pathfinder for the breed in the UK , but having emigrated to South Africa , has also been of great assistance to the newly formed clubs there .
26 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
27 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
28 For the majority of building , wood was the chief material and little has survived , though rebuilding has often been in similar traditional style .
29 Er we trust if the post is doubled in the way it has frequently been in recent years and indeed was in my case , the Chancellor of the Duchy in brackets also as the Chairman of the Conservative Party to maintain the dignitary of the magistracy to make sure that there is a firm balance amongst magistrates who are appointed .
30 The nature and extent of housing programmes in the post-war years has therefore been of great significance for urban form , community life and degrees of individual happiness .
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