Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bentham was also clear what the Panopticon would mean for those who had to occupy it , subjected as they would be to " … an authority so much exceeding anything that has hitherto signified as despotic " ( Works , IV p 63 , emphasis in original ) .
2 Football has not played as great a part in the company as it has in previous years .
3 Ben Alder has always seemed as impenetrable to me as a hi-fi magazine , but from up on the ridge it gives away its secrets and reveals a relatively simple ascent from the west up a long , inclining slope .
4 Teamwork This has clearly improved as each function understands the problems faced by the others and they all work to break them down together .
5 Lord Mackay has treated claims that eligibility has substantially fallen as speculative .
6 Despite flirtations with salsa , Latin American music has n't penetrated as deep .
7 The Leeds defence has never looked as secure since they did away with the old back pass law — Whyte and Fairclough looked good because all they had to do was knock it back to big John .
8 The Leeds defence has never looked as secure since they did away with the old back pass law — Whyte and Fairclough looked good because all they had to do was knock it back to big John .
9 He 'd already registered as available for action , back home in Arkansas , but after a year in England , he wrote a letter to his local officer training corps explaining that he did n't want to fight after all .
10 Pushing aside the imposed conventions , the restraints and inhibitions she 'd always accepted as right and proper , necessary even , she pressed herself against him .
11 The range of his talk was beyond me — even when not particularly profound , it was salted with allusions , and the connections he drew between things I had hitherto regarded as unconnected were startling .
12 The whole line of docks seemed to be ablaze and ships in the river , shops , offices , streets of terraced houses and mansions , as well as beautiful and historic buildings like the Walker Art Gallery , the Museum and Central Library , had all suffered as high explosive bombs , land mines and incendiary bombs had rained down upon the city from hundreds of aircraft .
13 The fact that Hitler was out of Germany , at the Führer Headquarters in the east , and engaged in the conduct of the war against the Bolshevik arch-enemy — a war which he had long prophesied as inevitable in order to defend Christian Europe — evidently made it unthinkable for many that he could have anything to do with the ‘ godless Bolshevism ’ of the brownshirts at home .
14 In many cases they focused on areas which AEA had already identified as essential to our future success and where we had already initiated action .
15 The panel did n't review supermodel Cindy Crawford 's new video which has already come under fire in some fitness circles but Mr Dickinson adds : ‘ It clearly contains some of the exercises the panel had elsewhere criticised as outdated ’ .
16 I suspect the answer to my first question is about numbers of jobs , by virtue of what you 've just said as long as a piece of string .
17 He concludes : ‘ So although at first it is also natural for civilized people to condemn out of hand what I had just witnessed as disgraceful heathen bestiality , they , too , if they were honest might come to feel it was at least partly redeemed by the genuine religious conviction on which it is based . ’
18 Of its contents he retained only the haziest notion ; and he explained that he would have been reluctant to contribute to such a volume — his Second Thoughts on Humanism , published a year earlier , had consisted of a devastating criticism of the editor — save that it represented a tribute to Irving Babbitt , whom he had always revered as one of his masters and about whom he felt that his early criticism had been misunderstood , not least by Babbitt himself .
19 The one person whom Kate had always seen as constant and good had been shown up in a dark light .
20 Sarah was a beautiful , sensual woman and she aroused in him the kind of emotions he had always condemned as sinful in others .
21 New competitors had also emerged as other nations — Germany , France , the United States — industrialized rapidly .
22 The decision ended a trial which the government of Mexico had repeatedly denounced as illegal on the grounds that the defendant had been forcibly abducted and taken to the USA in violation of the US-Mexican extradition treaty .
23 The information , which DEC had previously treated as confidential , came to light after DEC Hungary executives accidentally handed an internal company newsletter to a local Canadian freelance journalist .
24 Drivers tended to recall situations which they had previously rated as risky .
25 If we can see this wealth of ideas as stimulations to the imagination rather than as what we have hitherto understood as literal truth we may gain deeper insights into the true nature of our relationship with the living Earth .
26 ‘ This reduces the time spent on training and saves duplication for people who have already completed as initial full-day Team .
27 The introduction of life peerages was partly designed to broaden the base of membership but it can be argued that life peers have not made as large a contribution to the work of the House as had been hoped .
28 They attacked the internal assessments , which teachers have normally defended as superior to the traditional written exams .
29 But we are both primates , and though we have often functioned as one organism we have nevertheless brachiated through the forests of adventure at rather different levels , and have seen through different eyes .
30 I go up to meet Anita , anyway you can get a parking space up there , so I 've turned , drove up there they say I have n't left as early , it was while I was learning
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