Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 This proposition forms the basis of Stenhouse 's concept of the ‘ teacher-as-researcher ’ : an idea which he developed in the context of the Humanities Curriculum Project ( HCP ) , and which has since influenced approaches to curriculum development and curriculum evaluation ( especially teacher self-evaluation ) .
2 This means that your body has not produced antibodies to HIV , so you probably have not been infected by the virus .
3 Freud 's reply is that the research method of psychoanalysis has revealed that religion has not helped men to be happy , nor moral , nor cultured and intelligent .
4 After years of frustration in the European arena , Wednesday 's success has finally carried Rangers to the threshold of untold riches .
5 The 21-year-old Malmo player , rated at about £700,000 , has already rejected moves to Liverpool and Leeds .
6 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price OSF charges for a licence : it says OSF is now doing its sums .
7 The HSC has also agreed changes to the list of substances and processes covered by the Carcinogens Approved Code of Practice which will now show two processes involving chromium , one a revision of the existing entry on bichromate manufacture , the other a new entry for electrolytic processes involving hexavalent chromium compounds .
8 Although he has often made references to this in his writings , he developed his argument more fully whilst a member of the Peacock Committee .
9 They are still occupying the lower status jobs , and bringing up a family has often meant interruptions to education or professional training .
10 The Government has now introduced changes to the rules for the backpayment of social security benefits ( see Information Circular , May 1991 ) .
11 He has consistently refused calls to military service because his religious beliefs forbid him to bear arms for a secular power or swear on oath of military allegiance .
12 No pope has yet admitted women to the priesthood , ’ he said with a sarcastic smile .
13 The congress was reported to have unanimously endorsed proposals to ( i ) establish a multiparty system in the country which also guaranteed respect for human rights , freedoms and democracy ; ( ii ) replace centralized economic planning by a " state controlled market economy " based on diverse forms of ownership in order to stimulate basic industrial development and modernize agricultural production ; ( iii ) reform taxes ; ( iv ) create new welfare benefits and increase wages and pensions during the next five-year-plan period of 1991-95 ; and ( v ) pursue an independent non-aligned foreign policy .
14 This was the second time that the centre-left coalition government of President Patricio Aylwin Azócar had successfully introduced changes to the authoritarian 1980 Constitution inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship [ for January amendment see p. 37958 ] .
15 Waldheim , a former UN Secretary-General , had been banned from entering the United States , and during his term as President had only paid visits to various Islamic countries ( including Iraq and Iran — see pp. 37759 ; 38309 ) and to the Vatican .
16 He continued his studies in France at the Royal Garden of Plants in Paris under Joseph Pitton de Tournefort , a French botanist who had already made expeditions to Spain , Greece and Asia Minor , and later produced a new classification of plants , accompanied by descriptions of the genera .
17 Sugar 's QC Phillip Heslop revealed in court that the Spurs board had already made approaches to other top bosses about taking charge at White Hart Lane .
18 But Descartes had already given answers to objections such as these .
19 In other aspects SCOTVEC had already introduced improvements to its procedures .
20 He would , however allow some 570 Austrian , Finnish , Portuguese , Swedish and Swiss nationals to leave because those countries had not sent forces to the Gulf .
21 It found that Arthur Scargill and Peter Heathfield , president and general secretary respectively of the NUM , had not used donations to miners to pay off their own home loans .
22 I 've always found children to be OK , but I 've never completely worked them out .
23 The Shah had always preferred Republicans to Democrats and he had felt that Carters human rights programme was in some senses directed against him .
24 Eight per cent finished in October , but at the time of writing many of the October course organisers had still to return questionnaires to [ MS for coding and analysis .
25 Rules that had once obliged Catholics to fast from midnight before receiving Communion were eased .
26 We 've also made contributions to the Frick Art Reference Library , the Archives of American Art , the Drawing Center , and IFAR , though frankly , we have very little money available for such purposes .
27 The , in the last few months alone , we 've also had visits to Brussels by the General Secretary , the Deputy General Secretary , a number of Regional Secretaries , political officers , training officers and others .
28 The pair were in the front rank throughout , nothing else landing a blow , and Golden Chip had also dictated terms to his rivals over a mile on the same course four days earlier .
29 The German magazine Die Stern had also bought rights to the letter , and published it the next day , with a lengthy translation and a headline proclaiming , ‘ Drink , Birds and Politics — Prince Confesses . ’
30 I 'll get him I 'll get er Jane to give me a few dates and we 'll suit choose a suitable date and we 'll try all of the aspects everything about A L O work about the training , some of these we 've almost got solutions to ourselves we ought to be careful erm , if we can er draw up a proper agenda and discuss with him all of those issues
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