Example sentences of "have [adv] [verb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although this sector has rarely produced a highly organised and successful political movement , it is becoming more of a source of protest , that is gaining significance in contemporary Latin America .
2 He has since become an internationally acknowledged scholar and authority on all aspects of Wedgwood history , design and manufacturing .
3 The airport at Lukla , which Hillary helped to build in 1964 to fly in materials to build a hospital , has since become the most important mountain airfield in Nepal catering for vast numbers of trekkers and mountaineers .
4 Mrs Bowers , of Scalwell Close , Seaton , has since made an almost complete recovery .
5 The European Community has since set an even tighter deadline of phase-out by 1995 .
6 In the past two years since its foundation , it has successfully rehomed no less than 240 dogs .
7 The Fiery Angel has long held an almost obsessional fascination for Prokofiev enthusiasts .
8 In reality it has only become an almost universal standard in the course of history .
9 The European computer industry has thus acquired a predominantly free market policy regime ( with , of course , significant elements of the other policy traditions ) .
10 Sometimes we may apply relatively simple yardsticks , such as whether the school has or has not received the newly recommended material and whether it is using it .
11 As it happens , the Tyne and Wear Urban Development Corporation , headed by a DOE civil servant on secondment , has not adopted an aggressively ideological assertion of market rationales , which is in marked contrast to the public performances of the head of its Teesside equivalent .
12 The song is a 12-bar about a man who has not lived a very good life , but reckons he can ‘ outrun the Devil on Judgement Day ’ , in his hot-rod car !
13 Some see such intervention as heralding the end of elected local government but , as Goldsmith ( 1986 , p. xiv ) observes : ‘ Britain has not become a totally centralized state , nor is central government 's control over local authorities ’ activities yet total …
14 In conclusion , there are wide-ranging claims made that privatisation improves efficiency , although critics argue that increasing competition has not played a sufficiently large part in the government 's privatisation programme .
15 It is regrettable that the House of Lords has not taken a similarly progressive approach .
16 And a handful of critics is beginning to wonder whether Ireland has not concentrated a little too hard on attracting inward investors at the expense of building a strong home-grown computer and electronics industry : after all , the policy of rallying all centres of higher education to turn out highly-skilled hardware and software engineers has been a great success , but should n't more of those people be working for Irish companies ?
17 The judge rejected this argument : ‘ I have reached the clear conclusion that the mother has not established a sufficiently grave risk of a sufficiently substantial intolerable situation .
18 Smith has just completed a very successful 1992 campaign , winning all the domestic honours plus a £5 million European bonus by reaching the final stages of the European Cup .
19 One of our elders for example , is active as a governor of two schools ; another recently was elected a JP ; another works for his local Rotary Club ; another elder has just joined the now almost completely secular scout group .
20 Wallingford Hockey Club , Sponsored by , has just ended a most successful season .
21 If you know someone who has just passed a very difficult music exam , for instance , you could celebrate their victory by decorating some of their exam piece with a few pressed flowers before framing it and giving it .
22 Yet it has just produced a highly confidential report urging the Philippines Government to abandon its gradualist approach to land reform — which effectively favours the landlords — and quickly move to help the landless and poor .
23 He has just published a profusely illustrated catalogue of fine books in fine bindings which has been described as an important reference work on its subject .
24 The idea that someone has already taken a very close look before choosing the victim shakes them considerably .
25 In January , Chris Benstead , a freelance percussionist , who has already run a very successful with our trainers , will be with us all day , both to accompany a class ( which I can promise you will be quite an experience ) and to run practical workshops .
26 Programme budgeting in the UK has generally followed a very different path from that of the US .
27 The regulatory approach to credit has generally reflected the more guarded view .
28 His obituary , published in the paper on 17 July , stated , ‘ No newspaper anxious to serve the best interests of the country has ever had a more devoted , more fearless , and more able servant than Dr Morrison …
29 ‘ I do n't think anyone has ever taken a more circuitous route to the railway station .
30 In the past , the Housing Corporation has always regarded no more than 20 per cent of net income as an affordable rent , but in July 1989 the Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation , David Edmonds , suggested one-third of net income as an affordable rent .
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