Example sentences of "have [art] long [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For cutting hedges by hand Sandvik 's well-balanced Professional Hedge Shear ( about £32 ) has a long reach and cuts very easily and cleanly .
2 It has a long history and in 1843 twelve Bronze Age artefacts and two portions of a sword were found whilst digging a drain .
3 The matter has a long history and is illustrative of how law can lag behind what is thought to be economically desirable .
4 As we pointed out earlier , the kind of model for insider evaluation that Shipman proposes has a long history and there is little evidence that it has been significantly displaced by newer alternatives .
5 Like copyright , patent law has a long history and has developed as a means of protecting innovation which has a benefit to innovator and public alike .
6 Western philosophy has a long tradition so it is not surprising that it has changed over the centuries both in content and in method .
7 A dislike by Irish clerics for such an explicit and direct church — state relationship has a long tradition and comes out best in De Tocqueville 's ( 1957 ) conversations with Irish clergy on his visit to Ireland in 1834 .
8 Although this matting is new in the UK , it has a long record or success in countries where ceramic floor tiles are more widely used .
9 He has a long nose and a long face .
10 To illustrate , let us consider the case of a word overlapping with two other candidates , the first of which has a long definition and the second has a short definition .
11 He had had a long drive and , in the face of great provocation , behaved , on the whole , exceedingly well .
12 I 've had a long life and many blessings and you 've been one of the best .
13 He jumps at home only when he has had a long rest and needs a quick reminder of what the job is all about ; otherwise his jumping is confined to the shows .
14 This question too has had a long history though it is only quite recently that it has become a precisely defined issue of zoological theory .
15 Did n't have a long walk or anything so the next schedule go out is erm is
16 ‘ I really ought to be going , ’ said Penelope , ‘ what with having a long journey and work tomorrow . ’
17 This gives complete pain relief and is helpful for women having a long labour or who are getting very distressed , but it has disadvantages in that it obviously makes women feel quite passive and helpless .
18 As thin as ever without an ounce of excess fat , he had the long face and gaunt look of the true desert Arab .
19 The base had a long history as home to the packers , as well as medical and catering units .
20 So she came and talked to 'em we had a long chat and actually I mean it er does sound very interesting .
21 Nevertheless , this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to reappear in the Middle Ages as the Albigensian heresy that flourished for a while in southern France but was eventually crushed in the first quarter of the thirteenth century by the northern French at the command of the most powerful of the medieval Popes , Innocent III .
22 The mines were large and had a long life and fitted in with RTZ 's strategic objectives , he added .
23 Over one-hundred feet long , with ninety-four teeth , it had a long tail and four webbed paws .
24 It was a relief to all of them when at half-past ten Robina got up and declared firmly that they had a long journey and must now go .
25 Sharif-Emami took on the job twice , the second time in 1978 ; Mansur was assassinated in 1965 , like Razmara in 1951 ; Amir Abbas Hoveyda , who replaced Mansur , had a long run but was eased out in 1977 to give way to Amuzegar , a successful OPEC hawk as previous oil minister .
26 They were in desks , you had a long desk that took Now some of them they took five on the one the one desk , you see ?
27 He had a long nose and dark hair and his eyes looked green from the light of the instruments in the dark cabin .
28 Fortunately , Viktor valued him and they had a long association before he ever worked with Irina .
29 My er , circumstances are entirely different , I am the person who 's being cared for and my husband died in nineteen eighty seven , and my son in nineteen eighty eight and I was left with my young son , and he looked after me on his own , and then my daughter who li , I was living in Ireland , my daughter lived in England , and she decided it was n't good enough that it should all be left to him , so we had a long talk and we discussed it at length for two weeks at Christmas , and then they all moved Sou , over here , we got a house in Scotland , and I 'm looked after by my young son and my daughter , and since then a year ago my daughter got married , her husband moved in and he looks after me as well , so I 'm looked after by three young adults .
30 ‘ We had a long talk when we had dinner together , ’ Haverford said out of a silence in respect of the dead .
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