Example sentences of "have [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of resting on its fundraising laurels , it has for the second year turned to race organising as a means of generating essential revenue .
2 Coatings company International Lory has for the second time completed a year without a single lost day accident .
3 The new hang has for the first time brought together the figures de fantaisie by Fragonard , the Louvre 's ninety-three Corots , thirty paintings by Chardin and thirteen by Watteau , as well as a rotating selection of the preparatory drawings by Le Brun for his decorative scheme for the Louvre .
4 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
5 For example , a recent act of Parliament has for the first time enabled citizens to own and operate radio stations .
6 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
7 The UK government has for the first time ruled out the award of oil and gas exploration licences in certain areas on environmental grounds .
8 Green was all for restoring Lord 's Island which seemed to have had a strange fascination for him , as it has for the present writer who has also , found for herself , the vestiges of the pier , the house , the shooting butts , etc .
9 Mother Teresa 's invitation to Kensington Palace confirms the admiration and respect the Princess of Wales has for the 82-year-old aid worker .
10 There is a new Nelson First Certificate Course to accompany the three other course titles Nelson already has for the same exam .
11 Moya Hood has for the last year been teaching weekly classes at Stroud Court in Gloucestershire , a sheltered community opened in 1983 for autistic adolescents and adults .
12 Since this is the nature of the economic environment within which the agent operates it is rational for the agent to use that information about her environment to draw inferences from the information that she has about the current state of the economy , that is to solve her signal extraction problem .
13 Venus is much smaller , but nevertheless still has about the same mass as the Earth .
14 Despite Sealink 's best efforts , I ca n't wait to escape our tiny cabin for the Bentley , whose interior I reckon has about the same amount of room but is more expensively trimmed .
15 HEARTS ' Craig Levein will captain Scotland against Germany at Ibrox tomorrow night despite rumours about the quality of the relationship the player has with the national coach , Andy Roxburgh .
16 For those who wish to weaken the hold that transmission teaching has within the educational system , this more sociological approach to understanding the conditions of teaching quality suggests not a tightening-up of selection procedures , an improvement of training , and an emphasis in training and staff deployment on the strengthening of subject expertise , but policies such as the following :
17 For the Shipman , as a pirate , the merchant is a natural enemy : It is not particularly difficult , however , to reconcile the appearance of a female narrative voice in lines 11 – 19 of the tale with the male narrator that it has within the dramatic framework of the Canterbury Tales , and thus to preserve the presence of both of these voices and their critical implications .
18 I accept that the law has from the first appearance of corporations , in the absence of any relevant statutory direction , considered the question of a corporation 's right to sue for defamation by reference to the nature of the corporation itself and the need for the corporation to protect its lawful activities and property .
19 Romanticism — the dream of the redemptive love that will bring heaven-on-earth , resolve all difference , end alienation — has in the twentieth century replaced religion as the opium of the people .
20 Affective rather than rational , originating by chance hundreds of years ago and according to individual choices made in small communities , later expanding through the demographic growth of tribes and peoples , family systems perpetuate themselves by inertia … this combination of anthropological types , coming down to us from an indeterminate past , has in the twentieth century played a trick on the ideal of modernity .
21 Newstead , known to the Romans as Trimontium , has in the present century yielded up wonderful finds including shoes , sandals , jewellery and the iron helmet of a cavalryman .
22 There is a good argument that the exclusion of a development corporation has in the long term been to Cramlington 's advantage , but the opportunity for land development profits was very important .
23 This separation of the responsibilities of public office from the personal qualities of the incumbent has in the long term had a number of important consequences on decision-making in rural areas .
24 And we now have the final symbolism of Ross Perot , the white knight set to storm Washington , who has in the not-so-distant past said that it might be necessary to suspend the constitution and cordon off black neighbourhoods and place them under martial law .
25 A sudden change of éaulement , an unusual turn in-out of legs or arms , or quick jumps up and then down to the floor followed by a roll over or even a somersault can accentuate the particular place that unusual movement has in the whole design .
26 We make love like no one ever has in the whole world — the whole history of the world — we are better than Antony and Cleopatra , ’ his voice began to rise with his spirits , ‘ Romeo and Juliet , Paolo and Francesca , Beatrice and Dante , ’ he was lost for words , ‘ better than … better than …
27 It is predicted that such developments will gain common ground in the elaboration of the GUI concept as it has in the computer-aided design world , but will quickly diversify in terms of the actual products which emerge .
28 To give a brief example , in Nepal population pressure has in the last decade or so brought about many intensifications of cropping patterns such as the introduction of wheat as a winter crop .
29 The concept of four major glacial events , based on classic studies in the European Alps ( Penck and Brückner , 1909 ) and supported by observations in Scandinavia , North America and Siberia , has in the last decade been shown to be an oversimplification .
30 This attractive hill village has in the past decade become favoured as a " dormitory suburb " for people employed in Thun .
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