Example sentences of "have [verb] money to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ms Duffield has given money to Dulwich 's education activities in the past ; the present gift is intended to enable the gallery to survive for a year while it coordinates its long-term fundraising activities .
2 Rather less simply , some people close to Crédit Lyonnais think it may also have lent money to Florio Fiorini , a Swiss-based Italian associated with Mr Parretti .
3 " I suppose he could have lent money to Ingard , and been pressing for payment . "
4 A Sunday newspaper said Spiro had claimed to have paid money to Terry Waite 's kidnappers on behalf of the British Government .
5 A Sunday newspaper said Spiro had claimed to have paid money to Terry Waite 's kidnappers on behalf of the British Government .
6 We 've given money to organisations like the RSPB , Greenpeace , the Woodland Trust and Working Weekends on Organic Farms . ’
7 And Horsley had given money to miners ' families during the 1984–5 strike .
8 Amnesty issues a press release denying contact between it and kidnappers of the Swiss Ambassador to Brazil , following reports that a German magazine had offered money to Amnesty to publish the article .
9 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
10 If you have paid money to Midland Life before the commencement date and the offer is then withdrawn your money will be returned with interest .
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