Example sentences of "have [verb] for [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In standing out for true sportsmanship on the field Mr Chapman , loyally backed by his players , set a standard which has raised the sport he loved to the highest level , and has won for him the gratitude of sportsmen the world over . ’
2 Maxwell Davies has written for him a 20-minute piece which makes full use of these strengths .
3 From the architectural viewpoint the greatest importance of this site , now so excellently opened up and preserved , is that it has preserved for us a provincial Roman city at a certain point in time — A.D. 79 — so that we can see for ourselves the buildings in which such citizens of the empire lived .
4 The Bible as holy literature , the oracles of the Logos , has become for them an inanimate object of scientific investigation .
5 William Emser has resurrected for us a brilliantly stupid comment by the eighteenth century classical scholar Bentley on these lines .
6 He 'd deceived and manipulated her again and again , and she 'd fallen for it every time .
7 Quite possibly another administration than a British one , less morally aspiring and less legally punctilious , would have arranged for him a quiet accident , or a fatal incarceration .
8 Even then our marker point will have preserved for us a stability in stratigraphical nomenclature and will have saved us from the utterly wasteful vacillations in opinion and fashion that trouble us today .
9 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
10 This last appointment would have procured for him a secure income and a safe environment for life , had he remained in it .
11 He 'd have to care for her a lot more than he does to do that . ’
12 In some senses you know when it happens to a male student , he is not he does n't have confirmed for him the sense that he is only a sexual object and that this is yet more of the way in which he is always perceived .
13 In his first term he had to write for him an essay on the art of poetry .
14 Since childhood , since her early school days , New Year 's Eve had possessed for her a mournful terror : she had elected it to represent the Nothingness which was her own life , the solid , cheerful festival which had seemed to be the lives of others .
15 This was her first big opportunity to reply to the barrage of criticism and , as she saw it , ingratitude which had marred for her the celebration last May of her 10 years in office .
16 Perhaps sex had become for me a habit-forming drug .
17 But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one , and he was glad to be rid of it .
18 When he exiled himself to Jersey , it was to surround himself with ‘ the sinister sheep of the sea ’ , ‘ the hydra-headed dragon ’ , which had become for him an image of the abyss , of fate , and of God .
19 His wife hated their life here in Munding , and what had happened in the ice-bound park at Easterness had become for her the final bitter vindication of that hate .
20 He had been best man at their wedding — a formidable pre-nuptial agreement had been necessary for that capitulation — and had carried out his duties with a mixture of incompetence , vulgarity and irreverence which , as she occasionally enjoyed telling Norman , had spoilt for her the memory of her big day .
21 In reply to a letter from Sheldon Vanauken , who , after his wife 's death , wrote to Lewis about their love which had remained for him an end in itself , Lewis replied :
22 He had saddled for her a calm , unflustered mare and they hacked peacefully along remarking on the hardness of the ground , the atrophied crops and other manifestations of summer .
23 Discarding pretence still further , she opened one of the drawers in the white chest of drawers , slamming it shut at once on the unfashionable baby clothes that Nannie had left in tidy small piles , washed and mended as though she had planned for them an after-life in which Nannie 's memory should have a lasting importance .
24 Through the horse , we have emphasized for us the animalistic and instinctive nature of the male ( or human ? ) sexual appetite .
25 1 You have prepared for us the script for ten episodes of a video entitled — .
26 Thus , the Report refers to " English in the highest sense " as " the channel for formative culture for all English people , and the medium of the creative art by which all English writers of distinction , whether poets , historians , Philosopher , or men of science , have secured for us the power of realising some part of their own experience of life " .
27 There is the possibility of a major exhibition in Japan and here in our Salzburg house I have made for her a gallery on the second floor .
28 No , and somewhere or other I have got for you a copy of the long string the long you know ?
29 a These past 3 years have reinforced for us the importance of listening to relatives .
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