Example sentences of "have [verb] for [art] more " in BNC.

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1 The House of Commons Treasury and Civil Service Committee has argued for the more active use of fiscal policy ( in other words a more aggressive use of tax cuts in recession ) because of the constraints on interest rate changes caused by ERM membership .
2 The parliament has called for a more rational approach to trade and aid schemes as well as investigation into the EC 's role in granting funds in certain cases .
3 Both highly desirable , the one on the left especially ; both looked as if they would n't get on their backs for anything less than Edouard de Chavigny himself ; both had the kind of accent that made his toes curl , and made him wish he 'd opted for the more costly tailor .
4 It would have to wait for a more opportune time , she decided , and replaced the receiver .
5 Charlie could have wished for a more cloudy night .
6 Bevin , impressed by Soviet intransigence during the foreign ministers ' conference at the end of 1947 , decided that the time had come for a more overt display of Western unity .
7 Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit .
8 The officials had opted for the more prestigious Royal Mail charge , rather than the more tenuous one of murder of the post-boy .
9 Greece had hoped for a more favourable frontier with Turkey ; she got some of what she wanted in 1881 .
10 It was clear that the Adjudicator had hoped for a more detailed explanation .
11 Some European countries have opted for a more acceptable solution in the form of " right to reply " legislation , which allows judges or " ombudsmen " to direct newspapers to publish corrections and counter-statements from those who claim to have been misrepresented .
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