Example sentences of "have [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You will please to see that she has enough to cover her present needs .
2 And there were so many new pressures — the long hours you worked , the way your parents disapproved of me , the problems I was having trying to get my own career off the ground .
3 What did she have that gave her such power over him ?
4 he could have half bricked it all the way up ?
5 That was a case in which a district board took it upon themselves to pull down Mr. Cooper 's house , which they regarded as unsatisfactory , and to burden him with the cost of demolition without having first given him any type of notice .
6 Well I was just going to say , er I do n't have enough to last me four weeks , but will I just wait until I
7 I 'd be more'n happy to move out of this tied cottage and have the comfort of our own place , and I reckon with what Harry 's offered , we 'll soon have enough to buy summat small in Calking village , and if'n you doant want to come with me , Will Pritchett , then you can stay on here by yourself .
8 They used to have some had their own blacksmiths .
9 Years earlier he had resided briefly at a clinic with Vivien , where Robert Sencourt claimed to have first met them both : and earlier still he had spoken of a mental condition of ‘ long-standing ’ .
10 ‘ You 're the only two guests , so if you 're on separate floors it means you 've each got your own bathroom .
11 We 've each had our hot streaks , I wo n't deny : the whammy has changed hands many times .
12 ‘ What was it he had that made him mean so much to you in the war ? ’ asked Greg .
13 Had that begun it all ?
14 They had been Promotionaries , on their respective sides of the Wars ( which were not , of course , between Good and Evil at all , as non-combatants of every species always assumed , but between Banality and Interest ) , with great things expected of them once their training and indoctrination was completed ; but they had each done something silly , something which called into question their very suitability for exalted rank , and now they were here , in the castle , with a problem to solve and games to play , being given one last chance ; a long shot , an unlikely appeal procedure .
15 They had each kept their own counsel : What Ursula and Maurice were really thinking Charlotte could not tell .
16 Well that 's what I said to him , why not yours he only just cut it , that couple of grandsons they 've all done it all up
17 High unemployment , anti trade union laws , macho management , they 've all had their damaging effect .
18 But they 've all got their good lines you see .
19 I think they 've all got their own washing machines on the ward and that sort of thing , whereas we had to do it by hand and then bundle it all up and send it down to the laundry .
20 As a result , erm , prices wo n't be quite as volatile as they are in the opposite case , alright , when the world market , and virtually nobody , let's assume that virtually nobody uses the world market to trade in , they 've all got their own agricultural policies , right , just a few countries trade in the world market , it only takes erm , a , a sort of poor harvest , or a very good harvest in any one of these erm , er , sort of protected countries , in order to get rid of this output , they 'll put it on the world market .
21 Yeah , it gives you something nice and easy to tell you about , cos we 've all got we all roughly know what sort of cover we 've got .
22 And the gaskets are in there there 's a s there 's gasket sets in there , they 've all got it all in .
23 So you 've all got your structured thought pattern now , yeah ?
24 I intend for fifteen twenty minutes or so , not to get into the issues of policy because you 've all got your own particular interests in that particular field and maybe that will come out during the course of the question and answer session .
25 Brightly lit as on a stage , she saw the bodies still , more garish , more brightly lit than when they had first met her horrified eyes .
26 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
27 It had been then , perhaps , that he had first realised his true feelings for her .
28 At the Carnival , 1925 , when I was 10 , Sam had first bought us large ice-creams and had decided , before going into the circus , to take the three of us to the menageries ( at an extra cost of two pence , if I remember right ) .
29 The court heard that his daughter Deborah Anderson had last seen him alive when he had visited her on December 22 .
30 Indeed , for the first three months of his premiership lie performed a feat which had seemed remarkable even when Gladstone had last done it forty years before and retained the Chancellorship as well as being First Lord of the Treasury .
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