Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv prt] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Should n't 've come down this way .
2 ‘ Anything going in or out of the valley has to pass along this road . ’
3 ADVANCED trenching equipment has speeded up this aspect of a project to such an extent ,
4 Just sorry it has turned out this way . ’
5 The Delicatessen & Fine Food Association has set up this telephone service to help you track down your nearest supplier of almost any specialist ingredient .
6 What , you may ask , has brought on this fit of choler on my part ?
7 What has brought about this change ?
8 So what has brought about this change ?
9 Its decline explains why the wholesale price of mistletoe has gone up this year by as much as £15 a hundredweight at England 's largest market — Tenbury Wells in Herefordshire .
10 No-one has gone out this way . ’
11 During the war she worked as a translator , and at the time of the action of the novel she has taken up this trade again recently .
12 Chris 'd pointed out this addict that hung around the theatre café : he stank like mouldy meat and his skin was terrible , so spotty it was almost rotting away .
13 An O S one to fifty thousand and that 's what I thought I 'd picked up this morning to take with me but when I looked it was Chester and Wrexham so it did n't do me much good .
14 It was the usual sequence : we 'd picked up this batch from the mass grave , in the woods , and stood waiting by the van on the approach road while the carbon monoxide went about its work .
15 But , having fallen asleep in militant mood last night , she 'd woken up this morning reluctantly aware that she owed him an apology .
16 Perhaps she had often had to put up this kind of defence Ianthe thought .
17 I 'm a bit better but I 've had to get out this morning to let June stay in !
18 His Auntie ( Mothers sister ) lived most of her life in Harwell village , having come down this way to do domestic service .
19 You 'll have to come out this way because there 's lots of cars on the road Oh , one , two , three be careful and walk
20 You 'll have to come out this way because there 's lots of cars on the road Oh , one , two , three be careful and walk
21 By that time we should have sorted out this business of the poison pen letter and you 'll be able to get back to a normal life again . ’
22 Having bought back this establishment from his former employers , Trusthouse Forte , his new freedom from the body corporate has inspired him to create a serious £23 dinner menu and leave the comfortable grey-blue decor well alone .
23 Erm , that is , how can we make sure that erm Plato , or Socrates , does n't descend to this level and then ascend to the one , as everyone else is , erm and then having got up this side somehow come down this ?
24 Oh God it 's so What I hate Why do we have to walk up this way , it 's always all uphill .
25 I was contemplating going back to Reggane , but if the map was wrong , then that would mean that I would have to walk back this way .
26 But a reasonably slim and sure-footed man or woman with enough nerve and a head for heights could certainly have got out this way .
27 I 'd like confirmation that he 's as crippled as he appears to be , because , much as I 'd like to , I can think of no way in which a man in his apparent condition could have pulled off this murder . ’
28 Bill Rodgers having set up this committee , it now fell to me to decide what to do with their report .
29 Ridley , as an ophthalmologist , might well have followed up this observation with more studies of eye infections , but the opportunity seems not to have been pursued .
30 Secondly having put up this message when I try to exit windows it tells me that 1-2-3 is still active but I can not find a way to deactivate it .
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