Example sentences of "have [verb] [coord] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This perspective puts mathematics educators in a very comfortable position , until we recognise that it is not uncontentious and , in any case , is rarely made explicit to children , which would involve them in a detailed consideration of how mathematics has developed and the relations between abstract mathematics and reality .
2 Cook gently , uncovered , stirring from time to time , for about half an hour , until most of the moisture has evaporated and the tomatoes are in a pulp .
3 Two examples illustrate some of the dilemmas the strategy has exposed and the policies initiated to deal with them .
4 Since then the luxury car market has collapsed and the speculators want out .
5 We have used resorative proctocolectomy for nine years , initially with a modest annual operation rate but as confidence has grown and the indications for the operation seemed to have expanded , so the frequency of operation has increased ( 1984 , 4 ; 1985 , 9 ; 1986 , 16 ; 1987 , 21 ; 1988 , 24 ; 1989 , 22 ; 1990 , 24 ; 1991 , 30 ; so far in 1992 , 18 ) .
6 The local pit has closed and the miners have been replaced by serious athletes who wear regulation running gear and train thoroughly , sometimes all year round .
7 Possible child abuse has occurred but the circumstances are open to many interpretations .
8 What is unique about humans is the rate at which this has occurred and the consequences for other species .
9 But it also has relevance to the pro-active marketing of credit and , to my mind , nicely illustrates the crossroads the industry has reached and the opportunities that lie beyond it .
10 Now Autumn has arrived and the evenings closing in , it is important that extra vigilance be exercised , especially in the absence of our Village Manager/Warden .
11 However , and not surprisingly , no general consenus has emerged and the conclusions are no less disparate than those of theory .
12 Darkness has descended and the mosquitoes have taken over from the enemy mortars .
13 The number of cars has increased and the roads are all too often inadequate to take them .
14 The cravat has gone but the pearls are still there .
15 Gradually , the training time has diminished and the sections of the trade have fragmented .
16 The authority hereby conferred shall expire at the close of business on the date of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company after the date of the passing of this resolution , unless previously renewed , varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting , provided , however , that the Company may make an offer or agreement before the expiry date of this authority which would or might require relevant securities to be allotted after this authority has expired and the Directors may allot relevant securities in pursuance of any such offer or agreement . ’
17 When the pizza has cooked and the prawns turned a proper shocking orange-pink , I sprinkle on extra lime juice and finely sliced lemon grass .
18 Apart from that situation , if the buyer has paid and the goods are not delivered , he is entitled to recover the price because he has received no consideration for it , section 54 .
19 Since moving to their country home at the Whitbread Hop Farm their role has changed and the horses now make special appearances at event such as carnivals , pub openings , and county shows .
20 ‘ Football on the continent has changed and the results in both groups of the Champions League show that sides are now willing to attack at home or in their away matches . ’
21 When the talk of renewal and uplift and volunteerism has dwindled and the weeds sprout amid the ruins , we will be left with the options : Plan A , let poor city neighbourhoods rot ; or , Plan B , put in dollars and jobs and a plan .
22 A refinancing deal to save Rosehaugh , led by Barclays Bank , has failed and the receivers were expected at its offices this morning .
23 If one of the non-deviant firms fails to carry out its role in punishing the cheat by producing its punishment output , it in turn is treated as having reneged and the firms adopt the punishment path for this firm .
24 There were more wreaths than she would have expected and the flowers were already wilting in the merciless sun .
25 was okay cos you knew there was some heavy heavy organized er guys up there , who who had ammunition and who had had had they felt differently that time , I guess the guns would have come and the police station would have been attacked .
26 2 Make a list of the main things your group will have to do and the problems they will have to face .
27 The French city people may have gone but the farmers are still there — they were n't wanted in space .
28 It was thicker than he would have liked and the sticks were too long .
29 She had to take all her clothes off and wear just the chiffon tunic with the white satin ribbons criss-crossed between her breasts ( which , she observed with interest , seemed to have grown and the nipples to have got rather darker . )
30 A few years later he discovered , to his fury , that the painters ' prices had soared and the paintings that he despised would have been immensely valuable .
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