Example sentences of "have [verb] [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the past 25 years the population has trebled due to the building program .
2 Latin America 's new free-market orthodoxy has stopped short of the politically sensitive state-controlled oil companies .
3 ‘ The county council are taking seriously their request for a speed restriction on a stretch of road which has proven dangerous in the past and will continue to be so if action is not taken . ’
4 Each has proven ideal as a starter design , capable of all the intricate manoeuvres sufficient to satisfy the novice but obviously not the demanding competition flyer .
5 Any attempt to build a truly all-Nigerian party since the failure of Azikiwe 's pioneering initiative has fallen foul of the rivalry between the major tribal groups .
6 RMC , the building materials and ready-mixed concrete giant , has fallen foul of the slump .
7 Karla Fohrbeck has no party-political affiliation and has fallen foul of the SPD ( the Social Democratic Party ) running the town .
8 Even Vernon 's model has fallen foul of the continuing disturbance to existing patterns , as he himself acknowledged ( 1979 ) .
9 They have consistently refused to co-operate with any venture that has fallen short of the promise of self-determination .
10 So much so , that in the conventional use of the term , ‘ being critical ’ has come almost exclusively to mean that the object or action in question has fallen short of the standards in question .
11 In recent years the ‘ income ’ valuation — based on tax returns — has fallen short of the ‘ expenditure ’ valuation by progressively larger amounts .
12 He has rescued Labour from the ‘ terminal decline ’ with which it was threatened in 1983 .
13 So , for a moment , consider a long-distance runner who has collapsed near to the finish on one occasion .
14 Not the kind of stuff some maudlin adult has deemed lovely for the kiddies but proper music , full of the sort of challenges which are really encouraging to meet , and robust enough to stand constant repetition . ’
15 A lifetime 's dream has come true for an ardent suitor .
16 SUGAR giant Tate & Lyle has come unstuck in the US .
17 Even the Tech , which has trumpeted the fact that it has pushed hard for a greater training element , has only been enabl able to include such elements as health and safety , job search , an enhancement of skills relevant to the job that is being done .
18 The colony has grown rich over the past decade as gatekeeper to China 's open door .
19 He has grown old in the service of several Emperors .
20 The truth is that Europe has grown comfortable with the now-familiar collection of projects in fields such as information technology ( ESPRIT ) , broad-band communications ( RACE ) and semiconductor technology ( JESSI ) .
21 There can be no doubt that if Britain wants to look forward to a level of economic health even approaching that to which it has grown accustomed over the past 50 years , it must back Alvey 's proposals .
22 Energy and Building Technology has again proved to be the most profitable activity in the division and apart from its traditional clients , namely BRECSU , BRE and Wimpey Homes and Construction , has secured new with the DOE .
23 By the end of pregnancy , they can tell when the baby 's head has moved low in the pelvis ready for birth .
24 Its success can be measured by how it has moved Labour to the right of the Heath Tory government .
25 Will he confirm categorically that TECs will have equal access to the funds that he has made available under the White Paper , excellent as it is ?
26 Psychoanalysis has made unfamiliar with the intimate connection between the father-complex and belief in God ; it has shown us that a personal God is psychologically nothing other than an exalted father , and it brings us evidence every day of how young people lose their religious beliefs as soon as their father 's authority breaks down .
27 The Attorney-General has made clear to the House the position under the law and it is important that the House should recognise that .
28 What the council has made clear in the past is that the company ought to bear the brunt of the responsibility to clear up this site .
29 Progression of the deformity is unpredictable in a given patient , but follow up for five to 10 years has shown worsening of the instability in 16% to 41% of the patients .
30 Columbus stumbled upon America , that he has got rich on the profits .
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