Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun pl] for an " in BNC.

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1 Roth acknowledges that Oldman has opened doors for an actor like him .
2 Carlo Ripa di Meana , EC Commissioner for the Environment , has announced plans for an EC police force to ensure the implementation of the community 's environmental policy by member states .
3 CREGGAN Historical Society has announced plans for an ecumenical service next Sunday at Creggan Parish Church near Crossmaglen .
4 Part of Booth 's schemes to improve the lot of the disadvantaged in society had included plans for an overseas colony .
5 The first of these press reports , in the Johannesburg Sunday Times , said that the Dec. 17 meeting had discussed plans for an all-party conference early in 1991 , to set the agenda for constitutional negotiations .
6 She 's this is the first time she 's got honours for an exam Carla .
7 The revelations have brought calls for an investigation
8 RAMBLERS have renewed calls for an independent inquiry into the army 's need for training land .
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