Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Maybe he 's annoyed because he ca n't quite figure what all this has to do with what the programme describes as ‘ the cyberspace experience ’ , maybe it 's because a minute ago he was nearly run over by a 30-foot-high mutoid metal minotaur , but he looks about ready to chin someone .
2 A curious situation has emerged in which the Khmer Rouge guerrillas , who boycotted the election , are now saying that they will resume the war if the CPP , their most-hated enemy , does not respect the results .
3 A user of a BM has to live with whatever the BM tells him , which will be correct for most of the time but which is never totally reliable .
4 Subsequent writers , however , have copied Patrick Forbes 's work without checking for themselves , and the misleading myth has evolved in which the first thousand litres of the cuvée is believed to be officially designated the premiere cuvée .
5 In some areas , however , a different model of teamwork has evolved in which the tasks of assessment and management are shared , and not all patients are necessarily seen at any time by a psychiatrist .
6 A a a member of staff may feel that they want to say something about a kid , and it does not necessarily have to agree with what the kid
7 ‘ Everything will be happening legally so kids wo n't have to worry about what the police are going to stop them doing on the M25 or wherever .
8 However , because of the limitations in the design of the study it was not clear to what extent the link between subjective risk and recall was caused by less interesting factors such as the type of memory test used , the fact that risk ratings were previously given by the drivers , and the expectations subjects may have had of what the study was about .
9 During the interviews I tried to probe whether what was meant was the ageing of the population , a change of atmosphere , the community 's material demise or what ; but on occasion I had to guess at what the informant really meant .
10 There had been an inquest and the coroner had dwelt with what the family considered unnecessary emphasis on the theft of the car and the woman 's motives for driving recklessly about the countryside at the dead of night .
11 The battalion , it became clear , had arrived at what the newspapers called the ‘ Western Front ’ .
12 The Six , in the Treaty of Rome , had gone beyond what the new France wanted .
13 On Aug. 21 a meeting between Kenyan president Daniel arap Moi and US officials resolved tensions which had arisen over what the Kenyan authorities had perceived as the lack of proper consultation about the US operation , involving as it did US military aircraft overflying Kenyan airspace and the arrival of up to 300 US military personnel .
14 Thus , a situation had arisen in which the goings on at Roscarrock Hall were ignored or winked at , and the family was left alone by the Justice of the Peace on the understanding that the fines were paid on time .
15 Well Mr er pleading guilty to these offenses and we 've listened to what the solicitor has said on your behalf the main offence of having no excise licence you 'll be fined seventy five pounds and be willing to pay eighty pounds thirty three back duty and ten pounds costs and for the offenses of failing to produce you 'll be fined ten pounds for each of those three offenses .
16 Now Mr er you pleaded guilty to these offences and we 've listened to what the solicitor has said on your behalf .
17 So you check your understanding and you 've listened to what the guy has said .
18 Constant liaison at the appropriate level is therefore necessary to avoid a situation arising where problems have occurred about which the supplier is not aware .
19 ‘ We have to focus on what the customer actually wants .
20 But for our need at this moment , we have to look at what the Holy Spirit is doing .
21 May I join in the admiration and respect which all concerned , including J. 's mother , have expressed for what the foster parents have done for J.
22 They breed and multiply at speed and to cope with their ability to sustain their population a number of rabbit-killing methods have evolved by which the stock can be drastically reduced .
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