Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun sg] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 NORWAY 'S Stig Inge Bjornebye has fallen victim to Liverpool 's injury jinx — before he ever appears in a red shirt .
2 For example in Alcine , Act 3 , scenes 4–5 , as Melanie pines for Astolphe , who has fallen victim to Alcine 's desires ( E minor ) , Alcine 's spurned lover Athlant attempts to console Melanie by proposing vengeance ( E major ) ; as the scene continues E minor becomes ‘ Athlant 's key ’ as he declares he loves Melanie and suggests that her ‘ fickle lover ’ can be punished if she will love him in return .
3 Ms Duffield has given money to Dulwich 's education activities in the past ; the present gift is intended to enable the gallery to survive for a year while it coordinates its long-term fundraising activities .
4 The Ober Gabelhorn was once a prized addition to a climber 's logbook but is slightly out of fashion now , just as Zermatt has given way to Chamonix .
5 The dual-presenter format which ITN has stuck with since News At Ten 's launch 25 years ago has given way to McDonald sitting alone in the style of a US network star like Dan Rather .
6 Virtually unchanged for more than 3,000 years , the language has given cohesion to India 's spiritual lineage .
7 Psychology is no more the name of an unique body of theory or inquiry and in physics Newton has given place to Einstein .
8 He has moved house to Sedgefield , close by the National Hunt racecourse and so Utopia to ‘ Ned , ’ and he remarked of the Durham atmosphere : ‘ It is just like starting my career all over again , everyone is so keen . ’
9 One of the American complaints against Japan is that Japan has had access to US government-funded research while denying foreign companies access to research funded by the Japanese government .
10 The SIB has conferred recognition to SRO 's , and to these the vast bulk of investment businesses have sought authorization .
11 In nine years as a manager in in England , Macari has brought success to Swindon , Birmingham and Stoke City .
12 ‘ I 'd give a bag of gold , ’ Benjamin murmured , ‘ to know what has taken Santerre to Glastonbury .
13 She remembered how helplessly she 'd given way to Jake 's madness on Starr Hills .
14 ‘ Only the day before , you came barging into the flat , insinuating that I 'd given information to Richard Blake .
15 Local authorities have lost important development-control powers and have had to release land to UDCs at extremely low prices .
16 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
17 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
18 Unquestionably , if either Richard or John had married her , it would have added plausibility to Philip 's claim that this vital territory was his sister 's marriage portion and , as such , might one day be returned to France .
19 There were reports of some units already having transferred allegiance to Ukraine , including the 48th division , withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in 1990 , which had disobeyed orders of Sept. 10 to move to the Caucasus .
20 Having said farewell to Susan , the Doctor has moved the TARDIS on again , bringing it to rest in a cave somewhere on the planet Dido .
21 Rather less simply , some people close to Crédit Lyonnais think it may also have lent money to Florio Fiorini , a Swiss-based Italian associated with Mr Parretti .
22 " I suppose he could have lent money to Ingard , and been pressing for payment . "
23 This comment may have drawn attention to Mary Leapor for a few years .
24 It is unlikely that many Europeans would have had access to Aristotle 's writings , but the cuckoo 's habits were certainly well enough known during the Middle Ages for them to be mentioned by Chaucer ( in The Parlement of Foules , 1382 ) , and for the term ‘ cuckold ’ — describing a man deceived by his wife — to have passed into the English language .
25 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
26 ‘ You mean , could I have administered poison to Sir Thomas ?
27 Nicaragua become the 28th state recognising Taiwan when it re-established relations on Nov. 6 , having switched recognition to China in 1985 .
28 In July 1200 Conrad of Mainz was taken to task for not having sent report to Rome about plans for the tribunal to decide on an emperor .
29 I did n't have to say shit to Jesus Christ if I did n't feel like it .
30 Claire Burrus is now showing work by Michael Snow , having bid farewell to Nils Udo , while the material exhibited by Daniel Spoerri in Seville continues to occupy the Beaubourg gallery until next month .
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