Example sentences of "have [verb] [be] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't do any astronomy in this department , but we teach an elementary astronomy course , and astronomy of course now is just the physics of outer space ; astronomy has stopped being a separate subject .
2 Er , I think Prince who , perhaps dealt with domestic politics , but one thing he has exposed is the green cause which I 'm very pleased about because I do n't think that the politicians in this country take these issues seriously enough !
3 Agreeing with something someone else has said is a powerful way to encourage them to go on and say more .
4 What the hon. Gentleman has said is an absolute travesty of the position taken by the Government and , as far as I know , by the official Opposition as well .
5 Er , and I think that the way , that the way that er erm , er Councillor has mo , th th the proposal that Councillor er , has moved is a sensible way around .
6 So what each branch has got is a little training room is n't it ?
7 What 's the point it 's like all it has got is a little button and a little microphone as well .
8 ‘ I will say to them : enough is enough , there has got be a better way for you , enough blood has been shed , enough people , far too many , are already grieving , hurt and anguished .
9 The independent variable on which one has to focus is the political culture .
10 The information required will be — the full names of the ceased person , and any other names that they have been known by , including the maiden surname of a woman who has been married ; their date and place of birth ; their recent occupation , and their husband 's full name and occupation , if the person who has died was a married woman .
11 The change from what she was to what she has become is a vast one .
12 In reality , what desktop publishing has provided is a new , cheaper tool for the professional to use as and when it is appropriate .
13 This certainly makes room for the many capitalist configurations found in history But some of Poulantzas ' critics have complained that , instead of creating a theory , all he has provided is an overblown list a set of descriptive categories so various as to be applicable to any social formation , and lacking any explanatory bite .
14 What Turkey has to consider is the diplomatic fall-out . ’
15 But what the court has to consider is the third party 's responsibility for the damages in question .
16 There has to date been no detailed investigation of the pronunciation of black native speakers of LE : in fact there have been few recent studies of LE pronunciation .
17 ‘ It does n't have to be big ; all it has to have is a good shop or two . ’
18 ‘ What has happened is an absolute tragedy .
19 It is now thought that the severity and length of time obesity has continued is the major determinant of the total number of fat cells in adult life ( Kirtland and Gurr 1979 ) .
20 The Director of Public Prosecutions in Northern Ireland is currently considering whether charges of obstructing the police investigation should be brought against a free Armagh and a man who has admitted being the crucial Source A referred to in the programme .
21 If , by the action of the State , the development value is no longer in the possession of the owner of the land , then all he has left is the existing use value .
22 All that Mr Clarke has confirmed is the Tory confusion over tax policy . ’
23 All that Mr Clarke has confirmed is the Tory confusion over tax policy , with the new Chancellor saying that no prudent Chancellor would promise taxes would never go up , and the Prime Minister who promised tax cuts year on year . ’
24 The main features that any such model has to explain are a slight warming of the world ( at least , of the northern hemisphere , for which good records are available ) from the late 19th century up to the 1940s. and a subsequent cooling up to the 1970s .
25 The little history of the period that has survived is an invaluable asset , but there are great dangers in using archaeological data to elucidate chronologically-based historical problems when the span of as little as a generation is so crucial .
26 As discussed in Chapter 2 , the world in which RE has to happen is a pluralist , secularist one and only a minority of the population acknowledge that religion is an important part of their lives .
27 All that has changed is the prevailing theory on how best to achieve this fitness .
28 What she 'd said was the nearest to regret and apology I ever heard from a malai .
29 So I had to come back and sort of say to Ray , you know , if we go for that bid it 's not likely to be supported , erm so we , what we 'd done is a different bid which still includes investors but it 's , it 's a bit broader than that .
30 Zen 's mistake was less excusable , since all he 'd suffered were a few hard kicks .
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