Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He can laugh about it now , and has referred to it in many speeches since to very good effect ; but at the time it hurt .
2 So , I think that the er , education committee has taken the , the report seriously and quite recently has looked at it in depth .
3 Formerly the collection of the Greater London Council , the 5,000-piece strong holding ( give or take a few balusters ) is now the property of English Heritage , curated by Mr Treve Rosoman who has looked after it since its days with the GLC .
4 Standard English today differs from local dialects not only in permitting the expression of complex relationships in familiar written forms , but also in the astonishing wealth of vocabulary which has accrued to it through its intellectual and imperial history .
5 The Zuckerman books are a medley of differences and affinities between what we are able to infer about Roth 's life and what he has made of it in art .
6 Claire , 18 , has slept in it since June
7 Mrs Burke leaves a remarkable house which deserves to be looked after with the same care that she has lavished on it for almost 20 years .
8 The OSF press release and its mock shock horror surprise also does n't allow for the fact that Addamax voluntarily revealed Sun 's involvement to defendants ' counsel in October of 1991 and that OSF itself has known about it since at least May of this year .
9 Everyone has known about it for years . ’
10 Although in his work using transformational grammar , Ohmann neglected this function , he has concentrated on it in subsequent work . ) "
11 While Dirk de Vos , curator of the Stedelijke Museum , Bruges , has asked for it to be included in his forthcoming Memling exhibition , the date of 1496 on the frame ( two year 's after Memling 's death ) led Sotheby 's to stick to ‘ School of Bruges , late fifteenth century ’ , suggesting a Franco-Flemish or Burgundian artist , close to the Master of the Moulins .
12 and this particular project , a lot of hard work has gone into it by members of the parish council and er I think it 's perfectly appropriate , and the ground was bought , it was n't donated , er it 's come of the er erm the funds that parish council receives from er residents and I think that it 's perfectly appropriate that it should mark one hundred years of parish local government .
13 He will shift very rapidly between different representations of the equipment ; the thing itself , his maintenance instructions , the manual , the drawings of the system , verbal discussion with a colleague , his recollection of what has happened to it in the past and so on .
14 What has happened to it in the course of its life ?
15 Shakespeare makes the point about interpretation that modern research in theories of vision and the education of young children has confirmed — that we are all taught to see — by Iago 's prediction of the view that Othello , hidden in the normally superior position of the eavesdropper , will take of his imminent conversation with Cassio : After the scene has turned out exactly as predicted , Iago checks on his victim 's responses : The Signifier here , the handkerchief , has been made by Iago to yield a meaning which is totally false , but which he has put upon it with so much circumstantial detail — Shakespeare 's diligence in this point risks pushing his plot into the incredible — that Othello can only see it as a present that Cassio has received from Desdemona and has ‘ given … his whore ’ .
16 The cut-off rules which determine which records will be retrieved , and what weight a record has to achieve for it to be counted as a possible match , are fairly complex and purely pragmatic , being based on experience from repetition of real searches .
17 They 'd looked at it on Sunday .
18 ‘ I 'd forgotten about it till now . ’
19 She suffered so much when he did casuals that he 'd lied about it for a long time .
20 I told him that we had but that we 'd talked about it with them and now things seemed all right .
21 If he 'd thought about it at all , he 'd imagined that they could find the Shuttle plane and wedge the Thing on it somewhere .
22 ‘ I 'd thought about it for some time , and decided to give it a go . ’
23 yeah , yeah I mean I 'd thought about it for ours
24 But needed some kind of help : she 'd spoken about it for months before and was utterly thrilled when Jay drawled an interest .
25 I 'd worked on it as the slide projectionist One of the reasons we were all so keen on going to the party was that Faustus was a joint production with the local girls school .
26 But that was only because I 'd lived in it for a long time and I got a discount so the house was really
27 If a collector had acquired the ancient cross , Wartski 's experts might have heard of it through the dealers ' grapevine .
28 ‘ You may have heard of it in history class in school . ’
29 Some of you might have heard about it in the press .
30 In fact , he could n't remember ever having heard of it until the day Shiva came in and told them what he had found .
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