Example sentences of "have [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Once again he has to thank him for a new book , this time Nineteen Eighty-Four ( 1949 ) ; but now he sounds cool .
2 But no-one has dismissed it as a rogue poll .
3 Anyone who has enrolled himself as a disciple of Jesus will want to study the Gospels to discover his teaching about prayer .
4 One example in Torquay , Devon , has proven itself over a few years .
5 For a long time it has been content with this unchanging splendour but more recently it has treated itself to a quartier in the most modern style , complete with a magnificent new concert hall , the Corum ( which unfortunately appears to have been built on ground that it is less than stable ) .
6 No yes Mr Singe is dedicated to the fewcher of Athletes Whaddon and to proove it has prezented me with a BLANK czech for £53–24p only , which is at my dispozal for strainthning the squid .
7 Fate has placed you in a situation of subservience ; but in the sight of God you are the equal of an emperor .
8 Eighth , they plant churches because ‘ God wants YWAM missionaries to build into local congregations the spiritual foundations ’ he has given them as a mission .
9 Thus within hospitals the Alliance of Health Workers ( AHW ) has formed which as a union allies itself with the progressive national union federation .
10 Christopher Gill ( Member for Ludlow and a Midlands businessman ) , as has been mentioned in Chapter 6 , has concerned himself for a long time with what were once seen to be obscure constitutional issues of subsidiarity .
11 Despite the retirement of coaching team-mates Jim Telfer and Derrick Grand after the recent World Cup , Ian McGeechan has committed himself to a further term as Scotland 's principal coach .
12 Labour has committed itself to a wide range of civil-liberties legislation and constitutional reform when it returns to government , to counter what its Deputy Leader , Mr Hattersley , has described as the vulnerability of traditional freedoms to the dual threat of ‘ legal restriction and a cynical partnership between Government and private enterprise ’ .
13 What the procedure does not permit is an exploration of alternative approaches , an understanding of the views of outside groups ( unless they think it worth briefing MPs ) and there is no scope for public opinion to form and react before the government has committed itself to a definite approach to the problem .
14 Their views are readily recognizable in a world where the fuss about the Turin Shroud has reminded us of a time when high hopes and claims of miracle were commonly attached to pieces of the true cross or heads of John the Baptist , where much Christian literature promises believers great success in life if only they have enough faith in God , and where men and women of political power still try to have God and his Church on their side , and to use their authority to enhance their own .
15 TV COMIC Tony Slattery has sketched himself for a charity auction — starkers .
16 This is a relative newcomer to the hobby , so new that nobody has slotted them into a genus yet .
17 It has surrounded itself with a region from which nothing — absolutely nothing — can escape .
18 Overall , the search for ‘ a ’ cure for cancer has resolved itself into a large number of separate questions , many of which have still to be solved .
19 THE Government has drilled itself into a well on oil jobs as it ‘ scrambles out of a hole on pit closures ’ , Alex Salmond , the Scottish National Party leader , said yesterday .
20 If God really has disclosed himself in a Son ; and if that Son was characterised by his possession of the Holy Spirit which he has passed on to his followers then we can not with t denying Christ maintain that God has revealed himself a much in Buddhism as in Christianity ; we can not make an amalgam of religions as if we were all honest seekers after a God who hides himself .
21 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
22 According to the survey , 44 per cent of the sponsored students among the 14,000 engineers graduating in 1989 claimed that their work experience , averaging 13 months , has discouraged them from a career in engineering .
23 The sweater has enjoyed something of a renaissance since the 1980s .
24 Deuce , a pimp , has added him to a clutch of boys he is taking to a hotel .
25 My mother has rung me on a Sunday morning and said oh you had a row last night and I 'd say how do you know oh your father went to paper shop this morning .
26 When Deckard asks his wife why she has programmed herself for a ‘ six hour self-accusatory depression ’ , she says
27 Comedian and writer Ben Miller has the answers , and has incorporated them into a tribute performance , Gone With Noakes ( playing at Covent Garden 's Donmar Warehouse on Dec 4–5 ) .
28 An offshore worker has presented me with a detailed file containing his experiences as a safety representative .
29 St William 's has presented itself as a prime mover and so it falls to St William 's to work out how to express itself as a managing agent .
30 Henry is , or whether Mrs G. has presented you with a little Tasmanian , or likely to do so , a point upon which her mother is so exceedingly anxious that on finding it was not mentioned she sat down and cried with vexation . ’
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