Example sentences of "have [verb] his [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Richardson had a chance of qualifying in the world championships but he failed and now he has won his place the officials think that their choice was justified , but it was not . ’
2 The home , in Portsmouth , Hants , has been bought by restaurateur Lim Walters who has named his eatery The Mayfair .
3 He has made his firm the IBM of the 1990s .
4 " Providence has denied his country the privilege of decking his youthful brow with the chaplets which belong to the sons of victory and of fame , but his deeds can never die .
5 Without wasting time , she managed to close the door , having noticed that he 'd removed his foot the minute he 'd become a little uncomfortable .
6 Opposite him Langford made some thundering tackles but then blotted his copybook with a stupid kick which , but for Underwood 's timely intervention , might have cost his side the match .
7 Having finished his dinner the candidate retired to the spick and span little room no bigger than a cubbyhole they had placed at his disposal and , when he had put his thoughts and his speeches in good order , stepped out for a breath of air , a short stroll which led him — as he had known it would — to the newly painted door of Odette Adeane .
8 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
9 In the spring of 1167 he led an army into the Auvergne , right on the eastern border of Aquitaine , in order to lay waste the land of Count William of Auvergne , who seems to have dispossessed his nephew the young Count .
10 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
11 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
12 Two-Dogs had not always been a whisky Navaho , and he had taught his son the stories his father had taught to him .
13 Before he had completed his turn the whole sphere was blazing , and two parachutes were unfolding below it .
14 But before he had completed his swing the boy fearfully withdrew his arm and the cane rapped harmlessly on the floor .
15 Perhaps the heat had given his mind the boost it needed to throw off the dream world that had gradually surrounded him since Paula 's fall into the maw of the Beast .
16 Anpetuwi , which had given his family the gift of love , generation after generation .
17 ‘ Sir Teddy Taylor , ’ he shouted , only to be told that Taylor had done his stuff the day before .
18 When every member of the society had got his house the society was wound up .
19 If he had regretted his kiss the evening before , how on earth was he going to view what had just happened between them ?
20 By the time they had reached his flat the sun was under the yard-arm .
21 The police had found his body the previous afternoon , just before lunch .
22 The disturbances on the borders of Brecon , whether officially encouraged or not , had grown to such proportions that the King had despatched his brother the Earl of Cornwall to the march in haste to try and suppress them , and was himself in the act of setting out from Windsor to join him there .
23 Haynes was eventually run out for 62 and left the field in tears thinking he had lost his team the match , but by then only three more were needed and Roberts was striking the ball well .
24 Tailler had sent his master the news about the mysterious de Montfort assassin .
25 He has , though , had to adapt his style the more he has progressed in the game .
26 He had learnt his craft the hard way ; after you had shot an Ibizan beach orgy sequence in a studio in Soho on a cold January morning with a load of complaining bimbos and a gay black man coked out of his brains , any other gig was a breeze .
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