Example sentences of "have [verb] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received on the proposed council tax .
2 The Institute has played a major part in the development of the Construction Industry Council and the policies it has developed on the key issues affecting the industry .
3 If it means that it has to go on the other side of the road , could we please have that .
4 How this relationship has been perceived by both partners has depended on the particular historical and economic context .
5 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
6 It has relied on the basic techniques of literature searching , interviews with individuals and organisations and an examination of key industry forecasts , reviews and analysis .
7 In the past he has sat on the central committee and was chairman of the London branch .
8 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
9 The force knows exactly how much harder it has to pull on the big one to keep it going in the same circle .
10 NOW THAT ‘ well apparelled April ’ has trodden on the limping heel of winter those of us who , last autumn , joined the ranks of retired cricketers face the obscurity attendant upon our decision .
11 In another letter to a Scottish admirer , she said ‘ I can only say that this bubble of my mind has risen on the mighty stream of a Divine purpose ’ .
12 Gates based his assessment on data which the CIA has collected on the Soviet nuclear power programme since the first Soviet reactor was commissioned in 1954 .
13 Also draft of letter I 'll put before Simon for signature once Rob has decided on the crediting point .
14 At l'Estaque , Braque was working from nature but one feels that the forms in his painting have not been suggested by those of particular landscapes but rather that he has imposed on the natural scene his own austere , angular , almost geometrical form of vision .
15 As part of the exhibition , the celebrated publishing house will be showing six films it has produced on the Catalan artist .
16 This was a complicated structure of a two-tier core plus an elective area ( see Chapter 3 for details ) , and it is uncertain how much effect it has had on the actual practice of schools .
17 But what if we want to investigate the impact that a new motorway has had on the surrounding area ?
18 The Pro-note V is the first IBM-compatible machine that Matsushita has offered on the Japanese market — until now it has manufactured and sold only personal computers compatible with Fujitsu Ltd 's FMR series — all the leading brands run incompatible versions of Japanese MS-DOS — indicating a major change in strategy as IBM-compatible machines become more acceptable in Japan with the advent of the DOS/V bilingual operating system .
19 However , he has elaborated on the simple quantity theory to provide a more sophisticated framework for the explanation of a link between monetary growth and inflation .
20 It ought to be remembered that he was still forced to wear a truss because of his congenital hernia — no one has speculated on the physiological origins of his need for order and control — and that he was a victim of tachycardia .
21 D. B. MacDonald has speculated on the difficult question of the origin of this view in Islam and has suggested that it arose from a Muslim heresy ‘ in that dark but intense period of theological and intellectual development which stretched from the death of Muhammad for at least two and a half centuries ’ .
22 Periodic volcanism has occurred on the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa since the Archaean era , and each episode will have modified the composition of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in which the magmas were generated or through which they passed , or in other words caused mantle metasomatism .
23 The organisation has called on the European Commission to use its powers under the Euratom Treaty to investigate contamination around Mururoa .
24 In the Commons , the Labour Leader , John Smith , has called on the Prime Minister to do more to stop the killings in Bosnia .
25 The group has called on the Kenyan government to take urgent measures to preserve the lake 's natural resources .
26 The World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has called on the Indonesian government to halt exports of the red and blue lory , Eos histrio , to save it from extinction .
27 A group of publishers and journalists from 38 African countries has called on the United Nations to declare censorship a grave violation of human rights and has asked African governments to free journalists who have been jailed for their professional activities .
28 An all-party group of MPs has called on the Compact Disc industry to cut its prices by two pounds per disc saying the price difference between discs and cassettes can not be justified .
29 He has called on the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , to ensure that the Scottish Office or the Department of Trade and Industry urgently investigates the condition of the Scottish manufacturing base .
30 On occasions Strach has played on the left — To accomodate Hendrie in the promotion year , and when Batty , Macca had a go at right-back last season .
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