Example sentences of "have [verb] it [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Forgive me if I am indelicate in saying so , ; had you ever troubled to talk to me often , I could have made it evident earlier .
2 So why could n't he have got it right last night ?
3 Bound hand and foot , she was thrown into the gave on the orders of her brother , the King of Navarre , watched , it is claimed , by a crowd of 3,000 , who will not have found it easy all to fit safely into this constricted spot .
4 A stranger attending a reception to mark the opening of new or refurbished office accommodation recently might have found it difficult differentiating between the property professionals and the PR men .
5 Although Mr Grant , of Barkingside , Essex , had made it clear these were children accounts he was twice advised his name should be put first .
6 He grinned at Rain and Mona and happily promised Eliot : ‘ You 're going to love this one , I reckon we 've got it right this time . ’
7 You 've got it real nice , here , real nice , I must say .
8 You 've left it open right .
9 Right Said Fred have made it mega big in Japan — and as a result , the hit-making trio were keen to please while rehearsing for a TV show there .
10 ‘ For this reason , ’ said Mr Bell , ‘ although we have maintained current levels of reversionary bonus rates for our life assurance policies , we have thought it appropriate this year to reduce slightly the interim reversionary bonus and bonus growth rates in respect of our pension business in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland . ’
11 What do you say to the fathers , and I have had dozens from up and down the country contacting me , what do you say to the fathers like that chap over there in th in the front row , who has handed over sometimes tens of thousands of pounds , he 's done his bit , he 's had it rubber stamped by the court , he 's gone ahead in good faith and made his his his future , and then the Child Support Agency comes along and just without so much as a by your leave pulls the rug .
12 ‘ I 've been working out and I feel I have got it right this time .
13 She 's cut it real short , so it feels all bristly when I rub my hands over it .
14 Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength , but when they launch themselves into the air , they have to get it right first time .
15 There 's one at the back of the free , double one at the back of the freezer , so he 's put it right this side so it 's just up above it there .
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