Example sentences of "have [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 After Margery has swallowed Dame Sirith 's trick she has recourse to the same commercial means of gaining what she thinks she needs and what she therefore now wants — indeed yearns for with an eagerness that the clerk himself could hardly have hoped for !
2 Another country which has weapons for the same reason as Iraq is the Arab state of Libya .
3 A famous 19th century thinker once observed that ‘ the class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production ’ .
4 We were having tea at the same hotel when Mrs Harvey came in , with another old dear .
5 It was n't easy , having David under the same roof .
6 Having youngsters on the same site albeit seperated would only be an experiment say the Home Office , and the long term policy remains to phase out mixed prisons in any form .
7 Centralised records provide the means by which many people may have access to the same body of information , regardless of their physical situation .
8 In a budgeting process , rather than creating BUDGET 1 , BUDGET 2 and BUDGET 3 for the different assumptions , different users could have access to the same file and contribute and see each others ’ ideas . ’
9 Our initial reaction to our brief in respect of bilingual pupils was that all pupils must have access to the same attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
10 geographic universality — everyone should have access to the same services ;
11 In it Taylor defends ideas that Mill himself found too radical ; primarily , that women should have access to the same professions as men , and that they should not be forced to inhabit ‘ separate spheres ’ .
12 It made her very uneasy having hir in the same building as Ari at such a dangerous and important time .
13 There are fears that if the water industry is sold off , private companies with their principal interest in profit will have use of the same powerful law as the present publicly-accountable bodies to carry out work without having to seek the permission of the owner or occupier of the land , or pay for the right of access .
14 We appeared to have students of the same native wit coming to courses in the arts and the sciences and the technologies , and the technologies were requiring quite a lot of these colleges to kick off with unclassified degrees , and finally began to weaken a little , I think , when they found that business studies and art and design were doing no such thing .
15 After a year of experiment she and Mike had agreed that where both of them had meetings on the same night , Mike would try and arrange his at home : he could listen and take part in a discussion with a two-year-old on his lap .
16 It so happened that the crossing sweeper had blood of the same group as this rich Brahmin lady .
17 But he had longings at the same time for the Mediterranean and travelled there .
18 All of the other large cities had trends in the same direction , albeit on a less dramatic scale .
19 One set wore the same number of rings , another shared the curious habit of flushing the lavatory before using it while others married on the same day , had the same jobs and had spouses of the same name .
20 ‘ The Queen , the Queen Mother , Prince Charles , Prince Andrew — even Anne and Philip — all have planets in the same area of the zodiac , ’ she says .
21 Here we have operating in the same geographical area , in the same economic environment and manufacturing the same product , on the one hand enterprises organised as industrial co-operatives and on the other as conventional firms .
22 Join in to help raise funds and have fun at the same time .
23 The means of promoting consensus on the curriculum proved to be The National Curriculum 5–16 : a consultation document ( hereafter TNC ) , where it is argued that the national curriculum will help to raise standards by ensuring that all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the compulsory period ; by setting clear objectives of what pupils should be expected to achieve ; by ensuring that all pupils , irrespective of their sex , ethnic origins or geographical location have access to the same curriculum offer ; and by checking on performance and progress at various stages .
24 Dixit ( 1982 ) proposes the following four conditions : 1 That all producers have access to the same technology .
25 In a contestable market , existing firms are vulnerable to entry if they attempt to exploit their market power , there are no sunk costs , and hence exit is costless ; and entrants have access to the same technology and factor prices as incumbents .
26 Both have spectra of the same type as the Sun .
27 The phasors representing the e.m.f. and potential difference across impedance Z then have lengths in the same proportion to and respectively .
28 In two different films , Yul Bryner and Julie Christie both have sex with the same thing , what is it ?
29 These single-employer estates are not socially homogeneous , in spite of the fact that all of their residents have connections with the same employer .
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