Example sentences of "in place for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Add to this Geraldine McKewan 's Gertrude and Julia Ford 's Ophelia and all the ingredients are in place for the Bard 's finest play .
2 We are committed to the highest safety and environmental standards and put great store by the contractual arrangements in place for the return of wastes .
3 Operations geophysicist Erik Havarstein has been responsible for mobilising the seismic vessel for the survey and has spent time in Lagos ensuring the technical specification and safety standards are in place for the survey .
4 After weeks of deliberation and three domestic trial runs , a third umpire making decisions from the stand after studying TV replays will be in place for the rest of the Ashes series .
5 The Government are now tampering with legislation that was put in place for the protection of miners .
6 The mechanisms are more transparently in place for the transfer of resources from poor to rich .
7 By then , though , the television cameras were in place for the wedding , the cake had been baked , the crowds were already gathering on the pavement and the sense of happy anticipation was almost palpable .
8 Joyce then had the task of making sure each child was in place for the morning " Holiness " meeting , while Captain and Mrs Burrows welcomed people as they arrived .
9 have a good idea of what they were doing next , next summer or whatever , yeah right right , otherwise Edinburgh , erm everything is in place for the festival descriptions , well everything 's in place like curtain up for the Lyceum description , last weekend
10 It is not yet known whether any revision coming out of the move will be in place for the coming or the following campaign .
11 Existing trade agreements between East Germany and east European countries ( especially the Soviet Union ) would have to remain in place for the time being , but imports under these agreements would have to be confined to the territory of East Germany .
12 The European Court further ruled in this case that Arts 48 and 59 of the EC Treaty do not prevent a member state from requiring that the exercise of the profession of auditor in that state by a person qualified to carry on that profession in another member state be subject to conditions which are objectively necessary to guarantee observation of professional rules concerning the permanence of the infrastructure in place for the completion of the work , the effective presence in the member state and assurance of the observation of professional ethics , unless respect for such rules and conditions is already guaranteed by a reviseur d'entreprises , whether a natural person or a firm , established and recognised in the state , and in whose service is placed , for the duration of the work , the person who intends to exercise the profession of auditor .
13 ‘ Yes , I 'll want the RAF roundels back in place for the flight into England .
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