Example sentences of "in time [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart turned to speak and was just in time to see the man snatch the plastic bin from the young assistant and run back towards the door .
2 I was just in time to see the Sierra hang a left once over the railway .
3 Mr. S. returned just in time to see the respondent carrying the goods towards the door .
4 The second time , travelling fast to find them , he 'd passed a junction just in time to see the VW rounding a bend on the other road .
5 I went home for a week at the end of July , just in time to see the beginning of this new menace , the V1 buzz bombs and I have to say they completely terrified me .
6 He followed the sound and was just in time to see the gunman climbing a wire fence at the end of an adjoining alleyway .
7 Hurrying to the window , he peered through a tear in the curtains just in time to see the Peugeot drive off , heading towards the city .
8 Blissfully unaware of the impending danger , Grant stood under the outer canopy of the treeline and eyed the cloud cover overhead , in time to see the moon slide out of sight .
9 I turned just in time to see the storm-door across the landing shutting gently .
10 I was up in the Voltaire Suite in time to see the Princess of Wales , looking radiant in white , arrive with the Hon.
11 He turned his dark head in time to see the colour drain from her face as her green eyes filled with fear and excitement .
12 Hearing a loud noise through his drunken haze , Joe turned in time to see the car coming at him .
13 Collins ushered Patrick and Jane back out onto the street — just in time to see the car come chuffing around the corner .
14 Culley went back to the street , passed the front of the house , then turned and retraced his steps in time to see the car pull out of the cul-de-sac and move away from him .
15 She admitted it tempestuously as Luke deprived her of the erotic stimulation of his mouth , opening her eyes just in time to see the blaze of triumph in his as he heard her .
16 I hurried down the stairs and was in time to see the gentlemen proceeding into the smoking room .
17 Chen shrugged , then turned in time to see the screen light up .
18 In the first room he looked into , the window space had already been commandeered by two native pensioners and an indigo planter ; in the next room he was just in time to see the camel guns fired … the sofa recoiled on its protesting castors and the men serving the guns set to work to re-load .
19 He turned just in time to see the coffin sink below the surface of the waves .
20 As he turned he caught a glimpse of something go past the open door , he dashed outside in time to see the figure of the old tramp going towards the slope as if to climb up and away .
21 She collected her bag and hand in hand they ran all the way — just in time to see the bus disappearing along the road .
22 She was in time to see the recovery of one of the young gentlemen who had begun to torment her on that night until Colonel Hope had silenced him .
23 But I look again , in time to see the needle fill with Isabelle 's blood .
24 His head jerked round and he was just in time to see the pack stream out from the bushes only thirty yards away , noses still glued to the invisible trail they were following , and lope swiftly towards the house .
25 Five years later , another nuclear supremo , Sir John Hill , chairman of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ( UKAEA ) , claimed that the nuclear industry had ‘ come just in time to save the world 's industrial society from a devastating energy shortage ’ .
26 Pollsters say they have detected signs of a swing back to the Conservatives — and that Labour support may have peaked last week — but it may not come in time to save the Tories .
27 Just in time to celebrate the onrush of spring , the Vanderwoude-Tannenbaum gallery has mounted ‘ A Bird 's Eye View : One Man 's Vision ’ a tribute to Mr James in the form of a tree full of birdhouses he made ( until 6 June ) .
28 Looking back as an ordinary member , it is clear the buying out episode must have been irksome in the extreme and very wearing for a group of unwitting members who volunteered at this point in time to serve the Club and whose prime interest was a round of golf !
29 At this point I must go back in time to record the beginning of my own friendship with Ivy Compton-Burnett .
30 He left Hobart on 11 May , and was in Launceston by 18 May in time to board the Black Woke , together with 820 sheep , five horses and four other passengers , all bound for Adelaide .
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