Example sentences of "in their [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Its location has been the cause of much dispute because the church was brutally destroyed by the Lancastrian army in their sack of the town in 1461 .
2 ARSENAL 'S rent-a-crowd will assist the team in their battle for the first Premier League title .
3 THE parents of a two-year-old boy suffering from a rare genetic disorder delivered a petition to the Prime Minister yesterday , in their battle over the controversial closure of a bone marrow transplant unit .
4 Last year Detroit 's car makers thought they were about to turn the corner in their battle against the Japanese .
5 The affair was venerated by later revolutionaries as the opening round in their battle against the autocracy .
6 In addition his role as a member of the Commission gave him the personal opportunity to support the chaplains in their Ministry in the University parish .
7 It is not usually preceded by long and bitter quarrels between parents and need not affect the child 's eye view of dependability and reliability of parents in their relationship with the child .
8 Somehow , after that , they succeeded in restoring a semblance of what counted as normality in their relationship to the weekend , and it passed without further conflict .
9 It will be argued that the enterprises ' distinctiveness is to be found in their relationship to the state .
10 There was some friction in their relationship beneath the surface , since MacArthur wished to determine the nature of a peace treaty and for purposes of formal ratification of a treaty the circumstances in which a peace conference met ; it was his intention that a conference should be held in Tokyo under his own chairmanship .
11 David Haslam on the flute and Bryn Lewis as harpist gave great pleasure in their performance of the work with the Northern Sinfonia Orchestra on Wednesday night .
12 However , the significance of the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians was not only to be seen in their effect on the Church , but also , according to Mrs Whitehouse , in their affinity with the secular intellectual elite which held sway in the 1960s :
13 Lord Rothermere and the Daily Mail withdrew their support , Conservative MPs who were present vied in their condemnation of the actions of the fascist stewards , the government considered the need to take steps to improve public order , and the public were persuaded to perceive the BUF as an extension of the fascist danger in Europe .
14 It 's head and shoulders above the glut of uninspired Fab Four and Stones covers of the last 18 months or so , but Shabba fans and the ragga fraternity in general are almost universal in their condemnation of the record .
15 Traffic was halted and people could not get to work , a point emphasised by the authorities in their condemnation of the protests .
16 Others , however , including Cromwell and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer , were much more vehement in their condemnation of the papacy ; attracted by the new ideas and reforming zeal of the continental Protestants , they argued that the papacy had falsified the word of God and distorted true religion .
17 EDINBURGH Gulf Monarchs have moved to kill off speculation that their two top riders , Les Collins and Kenny McKinna , would not be in their line-up in the new season .
18 Only 180 Saimaa seals remain in their habitat in the Saimaa Canal , along Finland 's south-eastern border with Russia .
19 But that very evening , back in their suite at the Grand , holding her arm roughly , he ordered her to undress .
20 I suspect that many people in Bolsover will carry eggs in their basket in the hope of meeting the hon. Gentleman .
21 The Conservatives remained dissatisfied with these arrangements and returned to the matter in their manifesto for the 1987 General Election .
22 The POA , he said , was becoming increasingly alarmed that official reports were becoming more strident in their criticism of the prison service .
23 The two , Marxist and Empirical Socialist , unite in their criticism of the utopian promise of his schemes and of the impracticability of his proposals for carrying them into effect .
24 Other commentaries went further in their criticism of the Brezhnev-Gromyko legacy , and the new foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze was one of those who was clearest in his call for a proper mechanism of democratic control so that the mistakes and violations of international law of these years did not recur .
25 A significant minority of men aged 17–24 take risks when they drive because they feel confident in their ability behind the wheel .
26 Second , successive governments since World War II have used taxation and public expenditure as instruments in their management of the level of demand in the economy .
27 Japanese members of Unix International , whose opinions on the merger were canvassed at the Tokyo announcement of Unix International 's Roadmap on Tuesday last week , were in various minds in their support of the new ownership of Unix Labs .
28 As for government parties , they are seldom if ever single-minded in their support of the political executive and altogether subservient to it .
29 After attempting to defend ministers who had been hesitant in their support of the coup , Gorbachev agreed that the whole Cabinet should resign , and that the new Prime Minister should be a Russian — possibly Silayev .
30 The majority of the newspapers had become woefully compromised in their support for the government and good investigative journalism was one of the casualties .
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