Example sentences of "in one of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He is often seen wandering around near the Marivent Palace at Illetas or dining in one of the stylish restaurants nearby .
2 She collapsed on the chesterfield and tried to bury her face in one of the stony little cushions that decorated it .
3 When , three years ago , news of Implexion 's investiture into the Chamber of Ten had come to the Redoubt , Dauntless had locked himself in one of the private chapels for two days .
4 It flirted three teasing words , no more in a book review in one of the posh papers and before it could be embraced , was gone .
5 That was an extreme case , and unlikely to happen in England , unless you drive into a full-scale riot in one of the inner-city areas .
6 Then , as she watched , a light came on in one of the upper rooms , and she shifted uneasily as she recognised Luke as he came to the window and looked out .
7 If you are fortunate you will see the deer , once hunted here by James 1st or catch the actors in rehearsal in one of the historic rooms , for this is the home of the East 15 Theatre Company .
8 The skeleton , whose hands are placed over the groin in one of the traditional attitudes of repose , is slightly proud of the shell ; hence the gable lid , resulting in a close-fitting coffin .
9 From January 1995 all new satellite television services would have to broadcast using an improved satellite transmission standard known as D2-Mac ( an intermediate standard to HD-Mac — see p. 38506 ) , although they could simultaneously broadcast in one of the existing standards ( PAL or SECAM ) .
10 Use of naturalistic information is wholly disallowed only if there can be some settlable choice of cognitive methods where all of our naturalistic information is available only if we resolve the choice in one of the possible ways .
11 Six weeks later , on 23rd October 1916 , he was killed , shot through the head by a sniper 's bullet in one of the endless and inglorious messes on the river Somme .
12 It is of central importance , however , to two of the required files — the ‘ anthology of stories and poetry ’ and the ‘ language and literacy file ’ — and in one of the examined reports — the year three essay on an aspect of literacy .
13 Right now the best are Arsenal and it 's just a pity they 're not in one of the European competitions , because my money will have been on them to win it .
14 In one of the central episodes in the novel , Humberto not only cuckolds his employer , but fathers on his wife the heir whom the oligarch himself has never been able to engender , and it is only subsequently that it becomes clear that what has been narrated as a factual account of events is , in reality , no more than a fantasy in which he simultaneously avenges his social humiliation and effects the incorporation of the humble Peñaloza line into the oligarchy .
15 Frank Dick is one of the most academically knowledgeable coaches in the world , and aside from the personal differences between us , I think he genuinely believed that I was more useful in one of the central legs of the race .
16 You may also start trembling , and feel a pricking of the skin caused by the same vascular changes that caused the blushing ; the involuntary tremor is caused by an increase in activity in one of the central nervous system circuits that controls level of background muscular tension .
17 It had a strange and thrilling resonance , as if the singer were standing in a large room or a courtyard built of stone in one of the ancient palaces left by the Mogul emperors further to the west .
18 in one of the ample basket chairs ,
19 If all you want is a simple page of text run out in one of the standard LaserWriter fonts then any of the bureau should be able to manage that without any difficulty at all — if they ca n't then they probably wo n't last long in the business .
20 Sailing up the North Sea Canal from Ymuiden to Amsterdam we passed a familiar-looking tug being re-fitted in one of the Dutch shipyards .
21 He remembered asking a fellow scribe about this , years ago , as they stood in one of the sun-filled courtyards of the Great Archive at Akhetaten .
22 She told us : ‘ The first time I saw this lady from the Foundation for Global Unity in Canterbury , she told me I had been a young boy in one of the Balkan countries , where slaves were being used to cut down all the trees .
23 Therefore , if you are confronted with a rug decorated in an intricate and curvilinear floral-inspired scheme , it is reasonable to assume that it probably originates from a workshop group in one of the limited number of countries which specialize in these designs .
24 Franca sat down in one of the low plump chairs and began to cry .
25 He had found her in one of the outlying villages .
26 During the service , Peter was agreeably conscious that they were all looking at him as he sat in splendid isolation in one of the front pews .
27 Peter sat in one of the blue chairs .
28 In one of the illegal papers .
29 He had been stripped naked in the oil store , where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices , and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks .
30 He had been born in one of the hideous concrete blocks of flats erected after the Great Patriotic War .
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