Example sentences of "in his [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was at least a proviso that she should be asked for her written consent before the company was set up but otherwise she was not mentioned in his plans for the future of the schools .
2 Er , can I ask Wallace Mercer , if he 's still listening to the programme , if he was considered the environment in his plans for the football stadium ?
3 Bull searched in his pockets for a cigarette .
4 In movements which could have been those of a somnambulist Kersey had retrieved his cigarettes and was placing one between his lips while feeling in his pockets for a lighter .
5 BZW 's Tony Shiret , a retailing analyst , said that Argos 's results justified an increase in his estimates for the current year from £73 million to about £80 million before tax , and the shares rose 10p to 315p .
6 I know not , it may be that Mr is saying this is something that that never it 's never I 've never understood it to be er part of my practice or part of any solicitors practice to offer such a and if we have a solicitor er who has constantly practised in his skills for a very lengthy period of time , that is saying oh yes it is because this , as far as I 'm concerned , standard advice which solicitors should give to clients transactions .
7 He held me in his arms for a long time , kissing me gently .
8 Dr Neil , cradling him in his arms for a moment before handing him to McAllister to care for , wondered not for the first time on such occasions whether he had done the baby a favour by enabling him to live .
9 He held her in his arms for a long minute .
10 This is particularly noticeable in his variations for the Six fairies in The Sleeping Beauty .
11 The Bishop 's secretary was small and sleek like a mole , with padded compartments in his clothes for the precious books he carried with him everywhere — an accounting book and a psalter .
12 Alan McDonald , Industrial Engineer , after a two year ‘ day release course ’ at Stow College , Glasgow , and much home work , achieved good results in his finals for the Institute of Management Services .
13 In many cases , as where the persons entitled are not of age , or not yet in existence , or not to be found , an executor or administrator will have to retain the property in his hands for a considerable time , though he may sometimes relieve himself by a payment or transfer into court , and in any case he can obtain the direction of the courts when doubts arise as to the proper course which he should take .
14 Everything he owned just to have it in his hands for a few hours .
15 He sighed heavily again as he moved over to sit down beside her , leaning forward and burying his face in his hands for a moment .
16 An idea flared up in his eyes for a moment and then went out .
17 But they told me that ‘ during your show we saw a flicker of response in his eyes for the very first time ’ . ’
18 Something fierce blazed in his eyes for an instant .
19 He stared at her , sudden heat in his eyes for an instant before the shuttering lashes came down to hide it .
20 The Governor even went further by paraphrasing the Bible in his urgings for the bill 's passage : ‘ He that doeth nothing is damned , and I do n't want to be damned . ’
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