Example sentences of "in the same way [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , another species of bee that communicates about food sources ( Apis florica ) does so in the same way except in so far as it wiggles in the horizontal rather than the vertical plane , and so can indicate directly the angle of the food source from the sun .
2 To pick out just a few examples : grandparents treat their grandchildren in the same way whether they live in Aberdeen or London ; middle-class people use money to support their close relatives in similar ways whether they live in Swansea , Sheffield or London ; people use their kin network to help them find employment whether they live in Glasgow , Basildon or Corby .
3 They react in the same way whether the electric field is due to static charges or to a time-varying magnetic field ; under the force qE they rearrange themselves so as to cancel the electric field inside the conducting material as shown in Fig. 4.1(a) .
4 Its members will help Amnesty with specialist knowledge of military experience and expertise ( in the same way that the Lawyers ' Group and the Medical Groups function in their specialist fields ) .
5 When , for example , a subject fitted with scalp electrodes over the auditory cortex is played a series of brief clicks through headphones and the EEG following each click is averaged so that random fluctuations cancel each other out , what is left is a systematic but complex pattern of electrical waves which is caused by the click in the same way that the waves on the surface of a pond are caused by dropping a pebble into it .
6 The problems which these and other patients suffer can mostly be explained in terms of detailed functional models of face processing such as that proposed by Bruce and Young ( 1986 ) , in the same way that patients ' different reading problems could be explained by Coltheart ( 1985 ) .
7 Having decided on the story , theme or music , choreographers should consider some vital rules of theatre and construct their ballet in the same way that authors and composers work out their books and compositions .
8 Yesterday 's newspaper columns on the election were devoted to Mr Dinkins ' promises to defend Jewish interests in the same way that Mayor Ed Koch did for the past 12 years .
9 Pay SMP in the same way that you would normally pay your employee 's wages .
10 But in the same way that the sexual act is losing its meaning , in pub scene , or baroque interior , or city flat , with the result that we are brought to question whatever meaning it once may seem to have possessed , so in The Waste Land the rituals of religion appear also to be failing .
11 Inspired by the coral coasts of Papua New Guinea ( where Liz lived and worked for nine years ) , this aquarium on silk is made by using a rubber-based glue called gutta in the same way that wax is used in the batik process .
12 School meals need to be marketed to school children in the same way that brewers market themselves , Theo Goldberg , managing director of marketing firm IMCOT , recently told the Local Authority Caterers Association annual conference .
13 The ocean currents flow around these in the same way that winds blow around high and low centres of atmospheric pressure .
14 That peal of exile first heard in Hand in Glove still rings true in moments on Viva Hate ! and no doubt always will , no matter what follows , in the same way that traces of wantonness persist in Jagger 's voice , beneath all the mannered overlay of time .
15 It has been said that it is best not to know too much about salami and other sausages , in the same way that ignorance about haggis aids its enjoyment and easy digestion .
16 They are always ready to rescue and support sick or injured animals and help them to the surface to breathe , in the same way that mothers and ‘ aunts ’ will help their young to take their first breath .
17 The health service does not have a monopoly in cleaning , catering and laundry skills in the same way that it does in the skills required to treat sick people .
18 He carried a colour photograph of his mill in the same way that others carry their wives and children .
19 In the same way that he now helped his wife to dress , and waited upon her all day long , Wilson sought out people to keep her company .
20 For example , regarding prostitutes , the most crucially sexualized women of the time , questions were asked concerning the size of their genitalia , and various medical projects were embarked upon to prove that an enlarged clitoris was a sign of a tendency to prostitution ( in the same way that phrenologists were measuring criminals ' heads ) .
21 In the same way that man can not live under water , so while people are totally immersed in the water , it is as if they are dead .
22 In the same way that cars need fuel to help them move , we all need fuel to keep our bodies going .
23 In the same way that coins with mint names can be used to identify sites , so datable coins can be used to date objects or structures found in association with them .
24 Small children can sometimes be persuaded to eat cow cake in the same way that old people will eat cat food , but the chief result of all this farming was to produce huge food mountains which we could then refuse to give to the Third World , or to the socialists of Eastern Europe , in order to teach them the error of their ways .
25 They do not promise change in the sense of progress ; they promise change in the same way that the apparatchiks of yesteryear want the Communists back in the Kremlin .
26 In the same way that the latter introduces , almost unconsciously , knowledge of the origin of words and the structure of a sentence , so playing on damp or drying pitches fills the gaps in a developing batsman 's technique .
27 J. B. Watson in 1914 and other behaviourist thinkers ( Hull , Skinner ) believed that an acquired behaviour element , the conditioned reflex for example , could be made to account for all behaviour , because such an element could be treated as a ‘ building block in theory much in the same way that nineteenth-century physicists used ‘ atoms ’ to build up a theory of matter .
28 Trent sensed that he was being inspected in the same way that Louis had examined his hands ; as an abstract entity ; a tool , at most ; briefly useful , but , once used , to be discarded without further thought .
29 The devil , Trent thought , and found himself smiling as he realised that continual fear had acted as a drug , lifting him free of reality in the same way that marathon runners broke through the pain barrier into an almost hallucinatory state of calm .
30 New entrants to the profession and those seeking a new appointment will , though , have to be astute , in the same way that parents exercising parental preference are being encouraged to be .
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