Example sentences of "in it at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was a narrow alley with dustbins in it at the bottom of the garden and , beyond that , the rude and unkempt backsides of a row of tenement houses with blind , curtained windows and washing ( long pants , vests , sheets , shirts ) limp in the windless air , strung out on high lines running from pulleys at far-up windows.Tin baths , like giant snails , stuck half-way up the walls as if resting in a trip to the top .
2 Shirley Valentine fitted the bill and Paula appeared in it at the Playhouse .
3 It came to him that he could lock the door , there was a bolt on it , but this conjured up the vision of her battering on it , for she certainly would n't be deterred by the fact that she was raising the house ; she would know that Mary was the only one in it at the moment .
4 There is nothing in it at the moment that I would want my name associated with . ’
5 Having made the two , comes through to there , you just having clear of the metal work , you put , this is a three foot , just not in it at the moment .
6 I 've got plants growing in it at the moment .
7 Surely it is a ludicrous notion to suppose that two scientists on their own in a remote basement lab could claim to solve the world 's energy problems so that the scientific community would take up this claim , that world leaders would ask for regular briefings and that there could be nothing in it at the end .
8 Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it , at which point he pulled out a badge and said he was a cop .
9 ‘ Our house in London has been burgled but we were not in it at the time .
10 He need not be interested in it at the time when the insurance is effected .
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