Example sentences of "in time [verb] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 He crossed the street , dodging the traffic , reaching the door in time to see a second figure stepping into the elevator .
2 We arrived just in time to see the first members of the brass band — a trombone and a tuba — come round the corner of the lane .
3 James got to Corunna , where the whole force had been supposed to rendezvous and pick up Ormonde , in time to see the last battered casualties arrive , grateful perhaps that , so soon after his own recent sufferings in the Mediterranean , he had been spared this further ordeal .
4 PATRICK was back at Royal St. George 's in time to see the last couples finish their rounds .
5 The proprietor , Lord Mansfield , arrived on the scene in time to save the last stone .
6 Got home in time to watch the last couple of overs on the television , but then discovered that the highlights were not on TV until 1am .
7 Jack of Longleigh , Adam of Rochester , and Ydrys obediently fell silent , thinking that perhaps they had arrived in time to witness the last ebbing breaths of their one-time Lucifer .
8 yet the revival of his ‘ non-Gilbert ’ works has hardly caught fire in time to mark the 150th anniversary of his birth in London on May 13th 1842 .
9 ‘ Fignon was informed in time to have a second test done , ’ Alaphilippe said .
10 We could not do the trip in and out of the town in time to catch the last plane that evening , so we were condemned to this place and an early flight .
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