Example sentences of "in the first [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Parrott is lively too , but the performances are gentler , and his often slower speeds-as in the first chorus of the Birthday Ode with its call to ‘ Celebrate this triumphant day'-bring out the dancing rhythms less infectiously .
2 On the DEC PDP-10 computer , subroutine call instructions are provided for saving the return address either in the first location of a subroutine or in an accumulator ; but it also has call and return instructions which treat a specified area of store as a return address stack , in a manner similar to that described earlier in this section .
3 Finally in this section , it is worth pointing out that in the first Unit of this course we learnt that organisations which were based on an open system ( where information flowed in and out through a ‘ permeable boundary ’ to its environment and publics and where adjustment was made in the light of feedback ) , were more able to adapt to change and continue to prosper .
4 Smith , opening the innings , made 74 from only 53 deliveries in the first hour of the day , striking two sixes and 13 fours , before retiring to give someone else some practice .
5 It had hurt him , Groa knew , that his father did not need him at his side now , in the first hour of real danger since Rognvald had tried to claim the north seven years before .
6 Such infusion of caerulein in chronic pancreatic fistula rats caused a marked increase in protein output from basal secretion of 10 mg/30 minutes to 40 mg/30 minutes in the first hour of infusion followed by a decline in protein output to 15–20 mg/30 minutes in the following hours of the experiment .
7 Europe experienced in the first half of the twentieth century a simultaneous cultural , spiritual and political breakdown .
8 Tropical Plant Rentals , acquired in October 1988 for $41.5m , is believed to have accounted for a decline in margins in Rentokil 's environmental services division from 25.8 per cent to 23.1 per cent in the first half of 1989 .
9 STRONG demand from other segments of the construction market left Hewden Stuart , Britain 's largest plant hire group , virtually untouched by current problems in housebuilding in the first half of the year .
10 Higgs and Hill sold 500 homes in 1988 , but volumes dropped by 35 per cent in the first half of 1989 .
11 Forward sales for completion in the first half of this year are sufficient to meet internal targets , Mr Maunders said .
12 Most economists believe that the tighter squeeze on the economy would now lead to a more rapid deceleration in inflation in the first half of next year than had been expected before yesterday 's base rate increase .
13 The private group , which insures invoices and financing arrangements , recorded 1,220 falures in the first half of this year , but indications so far show that at least 2,000 more failures will be recorded by the end of the year .
14 In the first half of 1989 the total was 1,220 and indications are that more than 2,000 companies will suffer liquidity problems in the second half .
15 This would help protect Jaguar from fluctuations in the dollar-sterling exchange rate — the principal factor behind the collapse in its pre-tax profits in the first half of the year to £1.2m .
16 Around 242 homes were sold by the company in the first half of this year .
17 He pointed to a ‘ desperate need to educate the population better ’ and said that in the first half of the Eighties the engineering workforce fell by a third and the number of graduates employed increased by half .
18 In the first half of a concert which spanned the gamut from Expressionism to Impressionism , the hall 's resonance favoured the spare lines of Webern 's Op 6 while proving cruelly analytical in Ravel 's Sheherazade .
19 Long vacation sittings The court sat in various strengths in the first half of August and the second half of September with judges available for truly urgent matters during the remainder of the vacation .
20 But losses leapt to £5.5m in the first half of 1989 .
21 Libra Bank , the London-based consortium bank which trades in third world debts , plunged to a pre-tax loss of £174.6m in the first half of 1989 from profits last time of £10.9m .
22 INTEREST rates may be rising , pushing borrowers even further into debt , but the number of county court judgments against individuals in debt has fallen by 16 per cent in the first half of 1989 , according to figures released by the Registry of County Court Judgments .
23 The public perceived enormous Conservative stress on defence in the Pre-Campaign Wave and again in the latter half of the campaign , but much less in the first half of the campaign .
24 In the first half of 1921 nearly all workers and state employees had been paid almost entirely in kind but by june 1922 66 per cent came in the form of cash .
25 GEI International , the packaging machinery and special wire and cutting steels manufacturer , lifted profit again in the first half of the year .
26 This followed the announcement that the corporation made pre-tax profits of £58million in the first half of the year , from April to September , against £4million in the first half of 1988 .
27 This followed the announcement that the corporation made pre-tax profits of £58million in the first half of the year , from April to September , against £4million in the first half of 1988 .
28 Post Office Counters , the business which includes all sub-post offices in the country , made pre-tax profits of £16million in the first half of the year .
29 Now , he says he will keep the post until free elections are held , probably in the first half of the coming year .
30 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
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