Example sentences of "in [v-ing] some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Just now during John 's absence I find amusement and employment in drawing some of the plants of the colony , which will help to render the work on Birds of Australia more interesting .
2 The time and expense involved in manufacturing some of the more individualistic pieces of metalwork may ultimately reflect the greater social standing of their users , and this must be appreciated when considering the controls over their distribution pattern .
3 We would also be interested in purchasing some of the more sought after antiquarian guides and books where their value is such that a pure donation might be considered over-generous .
4 The government argued that ‘ if real progress is to be made in tackling some of the major concentrations of problems , special efforts must be focused on a few cities in the next few years ’ ( HMSO , 1977 , p. 16 ) .
5 In summarising some of the major developments in the case of the mentally handicapped in 1981 , Peter Mittler wrote : —
6 In this respect , scientists are aided by recent advances in X-ray techniques which provide a new view of the structure of glass and which should help in understanding some of the material 's more curious properties .
7 This choice between government ( hierarchy , planning ) and the market is important in understanding some of the recent changes in the overall process of coordination by central government in Britain , that is to understand how the country is run .
8 This is true of two interesting and important cognitive theories , the first of which has proved to have considerable usefulness in the treatment of depression and the second in understanding some of the biological mediators of depression .
9 Readers unfamiliar with the study of discourse may find some initial difficulty in understanding some of the principles involved ; the best way to begin is to read Coulthard ( 1977 ) , paying particular attention to the chapter on intonation , then go on to study Brazil et al.
10 We hope your debates prove interesting and decisi decisive in furtherance of your own policies and in addressing some of the problems which we face in our society at large .
11 Although the DSS is able to assist in meeting some of the costs of residents , the large part of the costs is met from welfare funds raised by the Association .
12 Although the DSS is able to assist in meeting some of the costs of residents , the larger part of the costs are met from welfare funds raised by the Association , and from donations to the Home .
13 Second , few of the evaluations discuss the donors ' own role in promoting some of the weaknesses in project design .
14 Deliberation and determination are apparent in every step , and not least in his letters to bishops who wished to have discretion in relaxing some of the severity of the decrees .
15 This proposition may have a useful application in limiting some of the more pedantic rules of interpretation , but it does not exclude the application of a presumption or certain common-sense principles .
16 In describing some of the political action Irish women took , I hope to reach those English feminists who think , erroneously , that feminism got its name from them .
17 They succeeded in getting some of the more divisive ideas modified , but the Conservative emphasis remains narrowly on job-related training for younger people .
18 In fact they 've been instrumental in providing some of the greatest pleasures in my life to date .
19 In a sale of a family company with widely dispersed shareholdings , there may be some difficulty in persuading some of the shareholders to give warranties about the business in which they have not been involved .
20 He teaches at the Language Institute , and was very helpful to us in giving some of the background to the students .
21 Motorola is interested in joining some of the projects , according to Barry Waite , general manager of the company 's European semiconductor group .
22 In examining some of the questions posed , we have to accept that within the UK , and for that matter in most of the rest of the world , there is no such thing as a natural environment .
23 Evaluating the options will involve you in doing some of the calculations that you would normally expect to find done for you in a respectable feasibility study .
24 ( Although I shall have no shame in highlighting some of the best brews from down south in future . )
25 Steady progress has been made in many authorities in integrating some of the statemented children ( the two per cent ) into mainstream primary schools .
26 I apologize for the fact that delays in obtaining some of the necessary information have made it impossible to produce detailed cost estimates , but the considerations listed below should enable us to determine whether such a change would be worthwhile .
27 You should find this useful in putting some of the course ideas into action in your branch .
28 There is never anything to lose by asking whether or not they would be interested in putting some of the work your way , especially if you have acquired an expertise that will be useful to them .
29 For many families in Scotland , homecare plays a big part in alleviating some of the huge problems the face .
30 If , in briefly tracing the development of the idea of democracy from its Greek beginnings , and in exploring some of the problems which the idea of democracy involves , we hold fast to this central principle of popular power , much that might otherwise seem puzzling ought to become clear and comprehensible .
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