Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Delaunay used to meet Picasso at the gatherings at the Douanier Rousseau 's , while Metzinger was a frequent visitor to Picasso 's studio in the Bateau Lavoir during the early years of Cubism , and was an important agent in transmitting the first discoveries of Picasso and Braque .
2 He succeeded in producing the first development plan for Athens since it was liberated from the Turks , but in 1984 he was forced to resign over his proposal for establishing a green belt by bulldozing illegal slums in the suburbs .
3 IBM Corp , Apple Computer Inc and Motorola Inc are months ahead of schedule in producing the first fruits of their PowerPC RISC alliance , Associated Press reports .
4 Its release had , however , been held up for some time on instructions from C. M. Woolf , a shrewd film salesman who had played a key role in financing the first projects of both Balcon and Wilcox .
5 For example , in applying the first criterion — logicality — belief in God is held by religious people to be more than a matter of logic .
6 The success of Peter Medd. an Old Boy and son of one of the Visitors , in gaining a First Class Honours degree at Oxford so pleased the Goldsmiths that he was given a prize of £20 and the School an extra week 's holiday that summer .
7 Thank you Mr Gordon erm you stated I think in your opening , I think y your opening statement , can you confirm that the two year delay has in gaining the first flight has been in actually gaining the flight control system er certified for flight .
8 In becoming the first country to shun the Springboks , the Welsh not only turned about face from their decision of five years ago , but also brought the advent of a professional rugby circus in the Republic that bit closer .
9 So I 'm impressed by Marie Radcliffe 's wonderful effort in becoming the first woman to win the Parachute Regiment 's red beret .
10 In becoming the first trainer to reach that unlikely statistic , Pipe qualifies as a consummate organiser , supreme in attracting owners to send horses to his prolific winner-making factory .
11 The certification to BS 5750 for Design and Construction which followed the successful assessment by BSI last autumn , was fitting reward for the hard work and efforts of all WEC staff in establishing a first class Quality Management System .
12 In addition , three seminars for general SVQ co-ordinators from schools , colleges , and other centres involved in piloting the first batch of awards have been arranged for March .
13 he was a ‘ principal doer ’ in promoting the first voyage to Muscovy of 1553 , a founder and active member of the Russia Company , and a promoter of voyages to West Africa in 1553 and 1554 .
14 In describing the first wave of mining in Ireland , this chapter will concentrate on the experience of Tynagh Mines .
15 In considering the first issue , the court of [ England ] should approach the matter by giving the fullest force to the policy which clearly underlies the Convention and the Act , namely that wrongful removal or retention shall not confer any benefit or advantage on the person ( usually a parent ) who has committed the wrongful act .
16 In considering the first issue , the court of country B should approach the matter by giving the fullest force to the policy which clearly underlies the Convention and the Act , namely that wrongful removal or retention shall not confer any benefit or advantage on the person ( usually a parent ) who has committed the wrongful act .
17 The Congress had on the previous day voted ( by 1,542 to 368 , with 76 abstentions ) to waive the provision for a direct election , assessing that the " difficult " situation in the country was likely to render any delay in installing the first President a " grave political mistake " .
18 The applications sometimes know this because the employer says so in acknowledging the first approach .
19 In conceding the first half , it shows why an argument from analogy is necessary .
20 The new Defence Minister , understood to be a strong supporter of Saddam Hussein 's stance on Kuwait , had been Inspector General of the armed forces and previously a deputy Chief of Staff , and had been decorated for his service in commanding the First Army Special Corps during the Iran-Iraq war .
21 There is little point in having a first aid kit on the ground floor if you cut your foot badly upstairs .
22 Reporting in The Phyrologist 1983 , vol I , p 4 ) they describe their success in creating the first hybrid from a plant and animal cell .
23 The burden increased when it became clear that it was schools who would be held principally responsible in implementing the national curriculum , in taking the first steps in teacher appraisal and in managing their finances .
24 Family connections — always important in finding the first job for a girl or boy leaving school — could now be used in the printing trade , whatever the union said .
25 In addition to focussing both parties ' attention on the key elements of a deal , the heads will form a useful briefing document for the purchaser 's lawyers in preparing the first draft of the sale and purchase contract .
26 I shall continue to take into account the view of the judiciary on the requirements of retribution and deterrence in such cases as a factor amongst others ( including the need to maintain public confidence in the system of justice ) to be weighed in the balance in setting the first review date .
27 ‘ I shall continue to take into account the view of the judiciary on the requirements of retribution and deterrence in such cases as a factor amongst others ( including the need to maintain public confidence in the system of justice ) to be weighed in the balance in setting the first review date .
28 Cocker 's scepticism was not typical of the sentiments expressed on that day : Ald. McNaughtan , the Tramway Committee Chairman , in laying the first rail said that Blackpool 's delay in constructing a tramway was fortuitous , otherwise they would have had horses or steam , ‘ instead of nature 's more wonderful , immense and mysterious agency — electricity ’ .
29 Thus we were happy to take part in the Medical Research Council 's vitamin study and to prove the efficacy of periconceptional multivitamin supplementation ( a primary preventive method ) in reducing the first occurrence of neural tube defects .
30 In rejecting the first submission Lord Bridge of Harwich , who delivered the judgment of the Board , said , at p. 318 :
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