Example sentences of "in [num] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He subsequently took out a number of patents in these two fields , the most valuable being in 1875 for the making of copper rollers for calico printing .
2 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
3 Syngman Rhee was born in 1875 into a branch of the royal family but one lacking in wealth .
4 In Skircoat Moor Road is a slender octagonal tower 253 feet high which was built in 1875 as a chimney for the dye-works of J.E .
5 But the real start to his career came in 1875 with an appointment as professor of geology and mining at the Imperial College of Engineering , Tokyo .
6 This body was founded in 1869 for the purpose of publishing not only the manuscripts of the heraldic visitations but other ‘ inedited ’ documents of a related nature .
7 But the distinction between Public and grammar remained unclear , although the lines were sharpened by the creation in 1869 of the Headmasters ' Conference and the consequent definition of an inner circle of boys ' Public Schools , properly so called .
8 Perhaps Wright 's success is best symbolized by the construction in 1869 of the roof of St Pancras station , a 240-foot tied arch of cast iron , weighing 9,000 tons , with no intermediate structure , probably then the largest single span of its kind in the world .
9 The final chapter in the story of imprisonment for debt came eight years later with the simultaneous passing in 1869 of the Debtors Act ( 32 & 33 Victoria cap 62 ) and the Bankruptcy Act ( 32 & 33 Victoria cap 71 ) .
10 This somewhat uncourageous solution was confirmed in 1869 by a convention between Turkey and Persia in which each side undertook to respect the status quo until a settlement was arrived at .
11 Barclay 's son James , who died in 1771 at the age of twenty-four , was the youthful author of An Examination of Mr Kenrick 's Review of Mr Johnson 's Edition of Shakespeare ( 1766 ) .
12 Even longer-serving was Mr. Edwin Bromley , who had arrived in 1934 as a member of both the teaching staff and the maintenance department .
13 A New Zealander , born in Dunedin and a graduate of Otago University , he went to Merton College , Oxford , in 1934 as a Rhodes Scholar , where he took a First in English .
14 He founded the Editions de Cluny in 1934 with the intention of introducing the wider public to great works of art .
15 Oak is a ‘ Severner Motor ’ built by Charles Hill in 1934 for the Severn & Canal Carrying Company .
16 The ULF had been founded in 1920 but remained a small organization affiliated to the Labour Party in 1934 on a membership of only three hundred .
17 We have lived in a wonderful variety of houses , including one normally occupied by a pit deputy in South Yorkshire ; a leaking gothic horror of a Victorian rectory in deepest Sussex that was literally falling to pieces while administrative matters blocked efforts to replace it and our present one near Lewes built in 1934 in the days of live-in maids , recently modernised but still half as big again as any built these days and with a double-size garden .
18 It is thought that from the late 16th century it was placed on top of the remaining tower of the ruined Kilwinning Abbey ( the Abbey was destroyed in 1561 at the time of the Scottish Reformation ) .
19 School-based assessment panels were established in St Augustine 's in 1979–80 for a number of reasons .
20 Warner entered the household of Henry Percy , ninth Earl of Northumberland [ q.v. ] , in 1590 as a gentleman servitor , becoming a pensioner in 1617 .
21 In the eighteenth century this was wrongly equated with Lucas de Heere [ q.v. ] and it was only in 1913 that ( Sir ) Lionel Cust [ q.v. ] made the connection with Eworth , thanks to his listing as a painter in the inventory made out in 1590 of the pictures belonging to John , first Baron Lumley [ q.v . ] .
22 The Abbey Lane Pumping Station at the junction of the Leicester Canal with the River Soar , a mile north of the city centre in Corporation Road , was built in 1891 as a sewage pumping works .
23 One of the two cars which replaced the trailers in 1891 outside the depot .
24 It was replaced in 1891 by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway with the present six road shed .
25 Charles crossed the River Elbe in 789 with an army of Franks , Frisians and Saxons .
26 At the same time the collapse of the American silk market in 1929–30 following the onset of the Great Depression brought a fall in silk prices of cataclysmic proportions .
27 Shakespeare partly-owned the Globe , which was built in 1599 and rebuilt in 1614 after a fire in 1613 started by a cannon used as a prop .
28 On your immediate right is the tiny , oval Chapel of the Assumption built in 1590–7 as the Chapel of the Brotherhood of Italian Painters , Sculptors and Masons .
29 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
30 Euler proved it in 1736 by the method of exercise 1.4.17 and later generalised it .
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