Example sentences of "in [det] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The structure of Sinhalese caste was unusual in that a majority of Sinhalese belonged to a single caste , the Goyigama , which was also traditionally the highest caste .
2 It will be argued that the circumstances of Nepal and Zambia are not unusual in that a set of political preconditions for a successful soil conservation policy are not present , and only exist in very rare circumstances ( the most outstanding examples being the Republic of South Africa , and South Korea ) .
3 First of all , while records of achievement aim to describe individuals in a sufficiently detailed way to prevent comparison between them , GCSE results are still basically hierarchical in that a series of grades is involved and pupils will still be comparable according to the grade achieved .
4 In one city he had been impersonated by a woman named Helen Potter , and in another a boy of sixteen managed to get into his hotel room .
5 In one , for example , a casual labourer and his wife in their sixties lived with a woman of 79 , her son of 57 who was a street matchseller , and six younger tenants ; in another a woman of 68 was subletting to another woman of 65 , a crippled woman of sixty , and two others ; while in a third household a 71-year-old sandwich-man lived with an unrelated widow and widower of the same age and two younger tenants .
6 Occasional statistics sometimes throw light on the problem ; in 1875 Gladstone 's pamphlet on the Vatican Decrees sold 100,000 copies and it is difficult not to see in this a level of religious interest which later declined .
7 and find in this a kind of consolation .
8 I 'm might say , what I 'm , I 'm not saying that film but in some , in some cases he do n't , you know , there has always been he do n't in this a lot of people .
9 In this a number of companies ( which can range from five to 500 ) contribute funds and technical and market input into a collaborative venture generally based at the laboratories of the technology provider .
10 In this a group of friends form a syndicate to create the Hopkin myth , inventing biographical details ( ‘ a near genius living in the country with a romantic proletarian background , possibly a dipsomaniac mother and so on ’ ) for a painter who does not exist but whose paintings they churn out in a fashionable style ( ‘ with dots , crescent shapes and bright colours ’ ) and exhibit in a sensational first exhibition .
11 If you are using dried yeast , measure four tablespoons of the onion liquid into a small bowl and stir in half a teaspoon of caster sugar .
12 One of nine lenders advertising in half a page of the Daily Mirror in June 1990 asked
13 With every breath we should take in half a litre of oxygen , twenty per cent of which goes to the brain .
14 The pain of a tooth abscess or following extraction may be relieved by a solution of Hypericum and Calendula ( or Calendula alone ) as a mouthwash , using two teaspoons full of the tincture in half a glass of water .
15 Bee stings should be removed with tweezers and then bathed with a teaspoon of bicarb in half a glass of water .
16 Bee stings , which are left in the skin , should be removed with tweezers , then bathed with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water .
17 However , early on , as he introduced the superposition principle , Dirac would break in half a piece of chalk .
18 The lobon-gur mixture taught to the mothers was a revised version of the pilot LGS , which consisted of a three finger pinch ( up to the first crease ) of lobon and one fistful of gur in half a seer of drinking water , the only change being that the gur was measured as one fistful rather than two four-finger scoops .
19 Henry 's wholehearted displays in such a variety of roles , allied to his self-effacing modesty , combined to endear him to all Palace fans of the mid-1980s .
20 Often the pilot is in such a state of panic that the flying becomes dangerously inaccurate .
21 IF a dwelling house is in such a state of disrepair as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance , the tenant may lay an information against his landlord alleging the existence of a statutory nuisance under the Public Health Act 1936 .
22 Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead .
23 It is not intended to place her in such a state of independence as might seduce her to devote her time to the idleness of Poetry …
24 So far as enterprises are concerned , their accounts are now in such a state of confusion that most of them no longer care about increases in their costs .
25 By the time the meeting was over I was in such a state of excitement and fright that I forgot all about the clothing parcel I was supposed to collect .
26 It stated that the private houses , which formed the Foreign and Colonial Offices , were ‘ inadequate to the present extent of public business , in parts unsafe , and generally in such a state of dilapidation as to render it inexpedient to expend any large sum in their substantial repair ’ .
27 The Popplewells told Mr Smith that they would continue with the show but as the country was in such a state of uncertainty they would not be able to pay the Girls ’ wages !
28 With regard to the national economy in such a state of affairs , the principal slogan was not concern for its lasting restoration … but the immediate securing of produce , even at the cost of undermining the productive forces .
29 Liza , distraught at the news , came home on compassionate leave , which she spent in such a state of shock and distress that Harriet began to feel that the sooner she returned to her duties the better .
30 Louise , however , was in such a state of excitement that initially she did not notice anything wrong .
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