Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of the dozen or so choirs in the Navy , including two in Gibraltar and Hong Kong , the one in Greenwich has sufficient expertise to record hymns for use in ships at sea .
2 Deployment followed an agreement signed between Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Moldova 's Mircea Snegur on July 21 in Moscow envisaging special status for the Dnestr region and a right to self-determination in case of Moldova 's reunification with Romania .
3 Mr Gorbachev 's government has responded to Lithuania 's declaration of independence by ordering ministries in Moscow to impose direct control over transport , communications and many factories in the republic .
4 Sections were dewaxed in toluene , dehydrated in ethanol , washed in PBS , and immersed in a solution of 0.3% hydrogen peroxide in PBS to eliminate endogenous peroxidase activity .
5 Based on G. E. Stahl 's vigorous advocacy of a rational-utilitarian approach , an approach extolling the virtues of investigation and application , chemistry in Germany received particular favour as it lost its alchemical and other links .
6 Workers in Germany Find guaranteed work .
7 continued from page one warned of retaliation by the Dignity Battalions ( civilian militia ) and advised all American civilians in Panama to take extreme care .
8 WORK on a £40,000 pilot project to save three areas of ancient woodland in Middlesbrough starts next week .
9 Major shareholders in Tudorbury included Royal Insurance , and Abbey Life .
10 Observations from Batahola Norte in Managua revealed another side effect of the crisis .
11 A sequence of profiles of nitrate in the unsaturated zone of the Chalk in Cambridgeshire shows downward movement of the concentration peak by about five metres .
12 Their last project , the Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst , opened in July 1991 in a large converted umbrella factory in Aachen to show contemporary art from all five continents .
13 Planners and conservationists alike agree that the building of 600 homes at the old railway works in Swindon makes good use of the site , but such land is not always available .
14 In poor countries , recycling is commonplace : markets in Bangladesh display selections of secondhand Coke bottles , and little boys in Ouagadougou sell cast-off plastic bags .
15 The answerphone , which was installed in March to provide recorded information when the Library is closed , dealt with 1,500 calls .
16 The party 's convention in March paid special tribute to its founder , Roberto d'Aubuisson , the man most closely associated with the death squads that killed thousands of people during the civil war , who himself died of cancer last year .
17 One of the hospitals in Grampian had spare capacity in radiology and made a presentation to the fundholding group .
18 Later , he joined a partnership in Malaga to sell Spanish produce in England .
19 Research in Taiwan showed that dill was one of a number of plants which , when intercropped with cabbage , reduced infestation by diamond back moth .
20 The existence now of eight to ten established galleries in Taiwan selling first generation paintings and catering to the contemporary market indicates the potential size of the market to which we can appeal .
21 [ For effects in Afghanistan see this page . ]
22 General practitioners in Berkshire claimed 31.5 night visits per 1000 population in 1992 .
23 General practitioners in Berkshire claimed 31.5 night visits ( 20.8 visits between 2300 and 0700 ) per 1000 population in the payment year to September 1992 .
24 In total the 403 general practitioners in Berkshire claimed 24803 night visits in the year to 30 September 1992 , an average of 61.5 visits per doctor per year .
25 Six weeks before the October general election , figures in mid-September showed that inflation had dropped sharply in August , rising only 0.2 per cent , while unemployment had fallen the same month to 16.6 per cent of the active workforce , the lowest level since 1982 .
26 Part of the reason for this is that the forces which dominate proceedings in Brussels place greater emphasis on common standards ( which they often confuse with higher standards ) , in preference to the provision of a framework which is genuinely competitive .
27 Speakers from many countries will be attending the October event in Brisbane to discuss pre-hospital care .
29 Christians in Indonesia seek deeper involvement in society
30 THE LEADER of the armed religious cult holed up in a fortified ranch in Texas promised last night he would surrender .
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