Example sentences of "in [adv] a [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 The steward was not left to mourn that his bottles found no custom : there was treating and return treating , and one humble Highlander who could sing Gaelic songs was made the sink into which was poured the spirits bought by sundry odd pence ; and , to the satisfaction of those who deem it a noble accomplishment the filling a man drunk , this Celt was brought into that pitiable condition , and manifested the power of the spirits over his brain in rather a curious way , — he was for kissing all round .
2 This happy period of my life came to an end in rather a stupid way .
3 Perhaps it was stupid of me , but I had expected so much , if in rather a vague way , that the reality was a bitter shock : I was unqualified , I had no degree , I was n't even trained as a secretary .
4 Peregrine , however , was there lying back in his chair and offering himself to the hot sun in rather a shameless way .
5 Up until then most of John 's friends and colleagues had heard any news in rather a fragmented way at parties or in the pub , which was frustrating for them .
6 Deregulation has also extended to business organisation though , as yet , in only a limited way .
7 Relationship matters , formerly considered in only a limited way as ‘ discipline ’ , Discussing the relationships of the librarian with the users is one way of discussing the role of the librarian , a way that keeps the reader in the forefront of the issue .
8 Although the authors do not deny the importance of the social and political environment in which unions operate , as well as the effects of economic forces , these influences are dealt with in only a limited way .
9 Ideally you should review this action list daily and never let a day pass without doing something to progress your priorities in even a minor way .
10 The questioning technique can be used at primary level , at first in quite a simple way , but one which can be developed , through worrying at a topic , hypothesising , attacking it from different angles , throwing in a bit of extra information or another piece of evidence , and seeing the effect they had , asking further questions .
11 However , that does have its positive side — it gives my staff the opportunity to go to meetings and take responsibility when I 'm not there , so it can be used in quite a developmental way .
12 ‘ I asked Budd to telephone the police in quite a peremptory way , as I considered he should have done this before . ’
13 A power that had been delegated previously is therefore removed , usually in quite a small way , by an instruction that in such and such a case the matter is to be referred upwards .
14 Because it , in a job that ca n't be done in isolation , to complete this procedure or procedures , we may have been plural , needs er , consultation with er , certainly with Simon 's division in quite a substantial way .
15 The results showed that the orbitosphenoid in amphisbaenians , though apparently homologous to the same structure in lizards , is formed in quite a different way .
16 Indeed , it was the same social and economic variables ( low socio-economic status and powerlessness ) that ‘ explained ’ crime ( though in quite a different way — by increasing vulnerability to labelling rather than by increasing actual deviation ) .
17 A screen , on the other hand , not only has a specific function , but is also an integral part of the overall design , and will therefore be looked at in quite a different way .
18 " Only that you are unhappy and probably care for Mr Amsterdam in quite a different way . "
19 Kroch and Small ( 1978 ) extend the application of quantitative methods in quite a different way , taking as their data base several hours of talk-show ( phone-in ) conversation from a Philadelphia radio station .
20 Some of them were some had got old cars in where the tyres , if it was a puncture it was these great big wheels with beaded edge tyres which you can , you put on in quite a different way from the modern car tyres .
21 So perhaps you feel that while all this talk about kinship and affinity may make good sense in discussions of the social life of Australian Aborigines or of Trobriand Islanders in Melanesia , it really has very little relevance for ourselves who live in a social context in which , as a general rule , affinity is of little significance and the majority of social relationships outside the domestic family are coded in quite a different way .
22 On the other hand , other exercises on the concept of ratio use the term ‘ profit ’ in quite a different way .
23 I 'll be viewing the Methodist Church in quite a different way , but I think it 's very important for us to be made aware of how they do it erm for example , if you have erm a a or or and I do n't think any church has , are provided within that and gets alike .
24 It meant , in fact , that they were thinking of abstractions in quite a different way from the way we think of them .
25 It mean in fact that they were thinking of abstractions in quite a different way from the way we think of them .
26 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
27 It is a useful first example for us to look at for it seems so simple — and yet even in something as straightforward as this , the structure can be adjusted in quite a sophisticated way .
28 D do you predict that the the political nature of of the town at least wi will be will be changed in quite a fundamental way if and when the strike ends as a consequence of over this new ?
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