Example sentences of "in [noun pl] ' [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Two other benefit changes directly affecting women are the reduction in widows ' benefits and the replacement of the universal maternity grant by statutory maternity pay , administered by employers , which is subject to contribution conditions and liable for tax .
2 Why do n't the one driving the week before tell the one the week after that they 've got to go in drivers ' entrance and not in bloody one !
3 A headhunter needs to be an excellent listener , receptive , willing and able to see the difference in peoples ' backgrounds and how those people might fit into a very different environment .
4 The government banks with the Bank of England , therefore the daily flows of funds between the private and public sectors are reflected in equal but opposite changes in two of the Bank 's liabilities , a flow towards the government , for example , causing a fall in bankers ' deposits and a matching rise in public deposits .
5 The next day the Irish Times reported that 711 ex-workers of Raybestos Manhattan in New Jersey in the US were sueing the company and its asbestos supplier , Johns Manville , for $2 million each in workers ' compensation and punitive damages awards .
6 The two largest union federations , Turk-Is and Hak-Is , which organized the strike , demanded an increase of 500 per cent in workers ' pay and called for an end to restrictive labour laws .
7 In medieval times the acre or strip , which was the average day 's ploughing for an ox-team , was sometimes called a jurnalis ( or diurnalis ) in monks ' Latin and journel in French — that is , the amount of ploughing that could be done in one day .
8 The guide contains commonsense recommendations covering situations such as meetings in strangers ' offices and homes , walking home alone and car breakdowns .
9 If I was of a mind to stop washing and shaving and go live in a bus and drive around the country shitting in farmers ' fields and killing their sheep and being hassled by the pigs and pilloried by the Daily Star and generally being ‘ free ’ , this is the record I would choose to do it to .
10 Discrimination learning is especially important for nursing practice as nurses are constantly faced with distinguishing between one set of conditions and another in the form of signs and symptoms , in the form of differences in kinds of equipment and their use , and in the form of differences in patients ' problems and needs .
11 CITA , Britain 's leading stress counselling agency , developed the tape programme last year after starting anxiety clinics in GPs ' surgeries and being beseiged by people wanting help .
12 It proposes , among other things , that auditors should report on ‘ the proper conduct of the company 's affairs ’ and on ‘ future risks attaching to the company ’ and be responsible to ‘ a wider interest group ’ than the shareholders , and that shareholders should play a more active part in auditors ' appointment and remuneration .
13 In contrast , Monkou continues to prosper in Saints ' mini-revival and is hopeful his performances will eventually bring long-distance international recognition from Holland .
14 David Hagen , meanwhile , played from the start for the first time in Rangers ' colours and scored after he had knocked the ball over Tortolano 's head inside the penalty box , killed it on his chest and then struck a volley beyond Burridge .
15 She read with avidity the endlessly cosy adventures of wealthy children on farms and in smugglers ' caves and country houses , but she found built into them a warning against too much belief .
16 In such a mood it is inevitable that the Government 's attempts to bring about change through legislation and increased prescription will be generally felt to be yet another attack on autonomy and yet another indication of a lack of trust in teachers ' judgement and their ability to do a good job .
17 Despite some evidence of change in teachers ' attitudes and behaviour , they themselves were reluctant to admit that the project had influenced them .
18 The effectiveness of pupil learning in all curriculum areas , changes in teachers ' attitudes and awareness of the needs of children with learning difficulties , and long-term modifications to curriculum materials and teaching strategies will all be equally , if not more , relevant .
19 Education Secretary John Patten is also fighting off a cut in teachers ' pay and campaigning for his budget to push through education reforms and repair crumbling schools .
20 increase in real terms in teachers ' pay and that there was an increase of only 6 per cent .
21 I would contend that the scapegoating of the education system , in general , and of certain local authorities , in particular , has acted as a diversionary tactic for the inadequacies of central government responses to the funding of the state education system , their failure to stem the spiralling decline in teachers ' morale and the pitiful attempt to provide real job opportunities for school leavers .
22 Particularly when good applicants are in short supply advertisements placed in Teachers ' Centres and nearby colleges , faculties and institutes of education cost nothing and improve the trawl .
23 It would have capital resources of 10,000 million ECU ( some US$12,400 million ) , 30 per cent of this to be paid up in members ' subscriptions and the rest being callable capital .
24 The Government have set aside £44 million for the period 1989-92 to aid and to stimulate the installation of computers in doctors ' practices and that must be welcomed by all of us .
25 A boy on a girl 's back , boy in girls ' shoes and a girl in boy 's shoes , girl in a boy 's sweater .
26 The car allowance , a key item in reporters ' lives and in getting them out of the office — was fixed at Option B — 15p a mile .
27 help to develop in pupils ' speaking and listening their grasp of sequence , cause and effect , reasoning , sense of consistency , clarity of argument , appreciation of relevance and irrelevance , and powers of prediction and recall ;
28 The Director of Studies expressed an interest in how much three dimensional ( 3D ) work was included in pupils ' experience and was dissatisfied with what he was told .
29 Haughey 's espousal of liberal reforms was seen as a response to the shock result of the November 1990 presidential election [ see p. 37868 ] , in which the victory of Mary Robinson , a woman supported by the Labour Party and the Workers ' Party , was seen as reflecting a major shift in voters ' attitudes and a challenge to the traditional political dominance of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael .
30 The most recent postponement followed the discovery of irregularities in voters ' lists and was supported by opposition groups .
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