Example sentences of "in [noun pl] ' [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is estimated that over half the legal executives working in solicitors ' practices hold no formal qualification in law at all .
2 In Climbers ' Club guides all seasonally restricted climbs are marked with an [ R ] symbol .
3 To return to the shareholder example , having raised the point that it is in shareholders ' interests to ensure their returns are reasonable , it logically follows that there will be an incentive for them to spend a certain amount of time and money finding out about the firm 's activities and performance .
4 You 'll have the sharp improvement in shareholders ' funds resulting from the write back of good will on the Elserver disposal and the consequent reduction in net borrowings , from four hundred and five to a hundred and eighteen million .
5 An analysis should be given of the total amount of non-equity interests in shareholders ' funds relating to each class of non-equity shares and series of warrants for non-equity shares .
6 This is reflected in drivers ' resistance to take advantage of the price differential .
7 In its response to draft Scottish Office regulations on information for parents , the church committee welcomes a significant improvement in schools ' willingness to respond to parents ' needs .
8 The reasons why this type of job has arisen in agencies are complex , and reflect weaknesses both in existing agency staffing and structure and in clients ' ability to brief their agencies in the right way .
9 In other words , the section is aimed at clauses in manufacturers ' guarantees given with consumer goods which purport to exclude the manufacturer 's liability for negligence in manufacture under Donoghue v Stevenson [ 1932 ] AC 562 .
10 Everywhere , his testimony was a ‘ show ’ : one that played in dentists ' surgeries to relieve the pain of extraction , in bars to give a purpose to drinking , in aeroplanes criss-crossing the country , and in television stores to crowds of people pressing against the windows .
11 Some causes , he suggests , arise from texts themselves : the difficulty of apprehending the full range of meaning , and the inevitable differences in readers ' reactions to sound and imagery .
12 Curates in deacons ' orders did not ask evangelical Bishops how many of their clergy were of the catholic persuasion at half-past nine on August evenings , or indeed at any other time .
13 This fall in bankers ' deposits represents a fall in the commercial banks ' cash reserves .
14 The hon. Gentleman must answer this question : how can he argue that it is in patients ' interests to move away from a system of competitive tendering and use that money to pay trade union members rather than to pay for extra treatment for patients ?
15 Folkman discovered that tumours in rabbits ' ears treated with protamine grew much slower than untreated tumours .
16 FRESH evidence that there is not a link to toxic chemical sprays , such as Agent Orange , and increased birth defects in veterans ' children has been provided in a study by the Australian Commonwealth Institute of Health .
17 Candlesticks filed into pieces and collected in ladies ' stockings had served for canister for a while , but had been swiftly exhausted .
18 The staff available in teachers ' colleges consisted in the main of dignified old gentlemen , veritable repositories of folklore and tradition , ever eager to discuss finer points of language with other scholars , but totally unequipped to teach reading methods .
19 They budgeted for a pay award in line with inflation and while welcoming the ‘ well deserved ’ rise in teachers ' salaries say they can not fund it without cutting school budgets .
20 Editor , — John R Hampton may be right to lament the decline in doctors ' abilities to elicit and interpret physical signs , but I believe that he is wrong to conclude that training in the setting of general practice will sound the deathknell of these skills .
21 But this history is easily overlooked , as is the modern computer 's capacity to accommodate ‘ semantic ’ undecidables , in scientists ' eagerness to construct a myth of the internal consistency and autonomy of their discipline .
22 However , the decision to allow the board to continue was cloaked in Ministers ' remarks suggesting that the statutory provision would be short-lived .
23 With his colleagues Lippitt and White he reported the results of well-known experiments which were carried out in boys ' clubs established for the purposes of their studies .
24 Whether or not you believe that such a move is in consumers ' interest depends on your point of view .
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