Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The antigen and activity concentrations of both plasminogen activators in normal tissue showed a steady increase going from squamous oesophagus to the stomach and duodenum .
2 Some 5,000 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails started a hunger strike on Sept. 27 in protest over harsh prison conditions .
3 At the time of the new commitment to a national campaign for gradual emancipation , initially understood as compatible with support for Canning 's amelioration policy announced in parliament on 15 May 1823 , both Cropper and Roscoe in private correspondence adopted the equation between free labour , higher productivity and colonial prosperity .
4 During 1981 — 2 , the year before the national housing benefit scheme came into operation , 1.6 million tenants gained rent rebates , a further 250,000 tenants in private property gained a rent allowance , and 3.7 million rate-payers gained rate rebates .
5 The increase in agricultural production increased the living standards of everyone .
6 A dealer in agricultural machinery took a beet-cutter to demonstrate to a farmer .
7 It was for this reason that his master-class in Spanish history took the form of a film , Raza ; and for the same reason that the frequency of his appearances in the state-produced cinema newsreels , No-Do , varied according to external circumstances and internal convenience , increasing when things were going well , decreasing when they were not .
8 Certainly his own study of Trobriand kinship to which he gave the unnecessarily glamorous title of The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia gave the impression that that was the essence of the matter .
9 He was in this predicament by February 1615 when his letter to Castelli ( which in expanded form became the letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ) was examined by the Inquisition in Rome .
10 Members of the superfamily are present in insects , where they are involved in forming of nerve connections ; thus the association of immunoglobulin-like domains in cellular recognition preceded the immune system in evolution .
11 He established himself in London c .1799 , exhibiting at the Royal Academy from that date on , and in due course developed a very widespread practice as a country-house architect , which extended to Scotland and Wales as well as throughout much of England .
12 It was through this most improbable passage of Scripture , taken home to her by the Spirit , that she in due course became a Christian .
13 The dock company in due course took a long lease of the area in question from the Secretary of State for Defence , although the ports authority insisted that the necessary planning consent be obtained before the lease was signed .
14 I fetched a bag of ice and a bowl from the kitchen , swayed back to the bar and in due course took the bowl of ice ( on a tray ) to the saloon .
15 It was this development and in particular the evidence given at the Ro-Ro inquiry which in due course prompted the council to bring the present proceedings .
16 It is perhaps not to be wondered that when the clouds of war then appeared , those in high places turned a speculative eye on this , the greatest privately-owned railway organisation in the world , with facilities and space , equipped in a wide range , from precision tools to mighty hammers , forges , foundries , and a tradition of skilled craftsmanship grafted to modern organisational and administrative ability , for a possible source of production of the sinews of war .
17 It yielded in turn to the peak or vernacular building , with a whole range of housing types carefully adapted to the varied needs and ambitions of their builders Probably for the first time , minor differentiations in social rank had a lasting impact on architectural development in Sussex .
18 These changes in social identity set the parameters of potential riots , but the actual incidence and seriousness of rioting often depended on the actions of individual officials and the presence of random catalysts which could prompt disturbances .
19 Daily encounters in residential settings underwent a major change because the needs of young people are different from those of children .
20 In the UK the boom in direct sales took the computer manufacturers by surprise .
21 Thou didst touch me , and I have burned for thy peace and growth in mystical knowledge concerned a process of recognition of the nature of God 's involvement with his creatures in time .
22 ‘ Just such a re-alignment [ from interpersonal to logical functions of language ] in historical fact characterised the philosophical bias of the British empiricists as represented , for example , in the charter of the Royal Society of London which demanded ‘ a mathematical plainness of language ’ and a rejection of ‘ all amplifications , digressions and swellings of style ’ ( 1978 , p. 9 ) .
23 Those who had been formed by the politics of black nationalism , or roots radicalism , or by the various schools of classical Marxism all in different ways stressed the continuities with the past .
24 The containment of employment growth in public services exposed the more starkly the effects of the greatest phase of industrial retrenchment in post-war British economic history .
25 Finally , the workforce in public administration showed a marked rise , connected with the expansion of public expenditure programmes and the development of state apparatuses concerned with industrial consultation and intervention .
26 The same considerations of ideological convergence in broad terms and participation in public controversy encouraged the development of antislavery argument after the Napoleonic Wars in directions only lightly indicated in the early stages of the anti-slave trade argument .
27 In public Charles accepted the revised status quo with good grace ; in private he blamed Diana .
28 Her list includes Jake Chapman , Alex Hartley whose recent exhibition at Anderson O'Day attracted the acquisitive attention of Charles Saatchi David Batchelor , Pat Kaufman and Sarah Staton , whose depiction of the Union Jack in crushed glass decorated the Serpentine Gallery 's lawn last summer .
29 They lived in the Turkish quarter and in outward appearance resembled the Turks , although their religious and cultural life was very different from that of their neighbours .
30 A hospital in nearby Teplice reported the number of child patients had doubled , mostly due to respiratory problems .
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