Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Allegations that some Sandinistas had embezzled state property in the final weeks in power [ see also p. 38282 ] had led to expectations , subsequently unrealized , that a purge of the leadership would be demanded .
2 That point is being discussed now directly between Israel and Syria in the bilateral discussions in Washington .
3 An increase in the lateral forces in the bulk state will hinder molecular motion and increase T g .
4 The remaining 15% or the Auvergne is not designated under the LFA Directive and this is the predominantly arable lowland in the fertile plains in the centre of the Auvergne ( see Figure 9 ) .
5 The team should include : — a Schools/Industry Co-ordinator to promote and arrange industry-based curriculum development , in-service training including teacher secondment to industry and other liaison activities ; — a Work Experience Co-ordinator to manage the Work Experience programme in the participating schools in conjunction with the DTI Adviser for Education and Enterprise as appropriate ; — a Caters Officer , to collate employers ' job offers , and to ensure that these are appropriate to the needs and aspirations of Compact " graduates " ; — an Adviser for Evaluation and Monitoring Procedures to ensure that students ' achievements are recognised through , for example , records of achievement , and to provide the Compact with instruments for evaluating its progress and development ; — managers of special programmes such as mock interviews , employers ' recruitment sessions , and communication procedures .
6 Following a short religious ceremony led by the Dean of Belfast , the Very Rev Jack Shearer , more than 50 crosses representing units of the armed services , civil defence and military associations were planted in the grassy areas in front of the Cenotaph , next to the City Hall .
7 Philip 's father had served in the Irish Guards in the First World War , and was always referred to by his rank .
8 In addition , dense infiltration of the lung by eosinophils occurs , and where these accumulate in the small bronchi in large numbers , they may be seen as greenish plugs at necropsy .
9 The answers to these questions seemed to elude me in the small hours in dampest Solihull , my mind seemed to be preoccupied by the pain coming from my back , neck and yes my backside as well !
10 It is thought that while this force is insignificant in large voids it can be sufficiently strong in the small pores in very fine-grained material to cause rock fracture .
11 Its purpose was to perform acts of sabotage and to organise raids far behind the enemy lines , and ( later , in Europe ) to sustain local guerrilla groups , and send back to Britain intelligence regarding any situation with which S.A.S. troops themselves were incapable of dealing in the small numbers in which they operated .
12 Throughout his life Edward had a passion for solitary swimming , often for an hour at a time , in the sea at Felpham in Sussex , in the small lakes in the Black Mountains , or the larger ones in the Lake District .
13 Life in the great cities in general could be improved , and only will be improved , by public action — by better schools with better-paid teachers , by strong , well-financed welfare services , by counselling on drug addiction , by employment training , by public investment in the housing that in no industrial country is provided for the poor by private enterprise , by adequately supported recreational facilities , libraries and police .
14 The implicature we can draw from it all is that Anderson 's enthusiasm for the topic overrides his concern for his positive face , but that the conflict between these two concerns remains , and is visible in the nervous flaws in his linguistic performance .
15 At the same time , there was a slowdown in the increase of population in the industrial areas in the north of England , and in industrial Scotland and Wales .
16 For example , in the eighteenth century pleuro-pneumonia killed about two-thirds of the country 's cattle , especially in the low-lying lands in the north , and farmers were forced to restock from less devastated regions such as the offshore Friesian Islands .
17 Chinnery ( 1991 ) points out that there are far fewer people employed in the caring services in the United Kingdom than the recommended 3 per cent , and that most of them manage to ‘ pass ’ as able-bodied .
18 In doing this , the system may have to combine and manipulate information from a number of different sources : the operator specifies the letters and clauses to be used ; the system fills out certain details from the data base ; in some cases it may have to do such things as take the salary and location from the data base , look up the conditions for that location , find out that certain uplifts need to be applied to salary , perform the arithmetic and insert the answers in the appropriate places in the text .
19 But above all , he would unreservedly acknowledge his profound indebtedness to the three tutors who were instrumental in the successful achievements in the later years of the decade : Douglas-Smith , Edmund Poole and Hampden Jackson .
20 Serum gastrin concentration is also known to be raised in patients with H pylori infection , and this is seen in the non-uraemic patients in the present study .
21 The position in Wales is almost the same as in the non-metropolitan areas in England .
22 Opposition groups in Tehran and London accused government forces of stepping up attacks on Shia strongholds in the southern marshlands in mid-April .
23 Her last movie was as Patty McCormack 's mother in The Young Runaways in 1968 , but she toured with stock company stage productions in the ‘ 70s .
24 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
25 Waterston , never interested in personal glory , did not try to claim priority , but J. W. Strutt , third Baron Rayleigh [ q.v. ] , rediscovered the paper and had it published in the Philosophical Transactions in 1892 , with an introduction which belatedly gave Waterston due credit .
26 Throughout 1912 and 1913 the works of Picasso and Braque were to be seen at the Sturm Gallery in Berlin and in the avant-garde exhibitions in Cologne and Munich .
27 This structure , from the White Sea area , is similar to some churches in the Carpathian mountains in Rumania ( 643 ) .
28 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
29 Children benefit also from more than usually grammatical speech from adults who address them in the early stages in a fashion tailored to their learning needs .
30 The size of each domain-specific dictionary is shown in Table 4.3 Test documents were selected for each of the domains , approximating to 17 sentences in each ( the same documents as used in the early investigations in Chapter Three ) .
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